[Reviews - 4] Printer

After Bobby dumps Marie for Kitty, Logan has some ideas of his own, on how his best friend can get herself some payback! After which, Marie is left questioning, what is her relationship with Logan really? Friends? Or more than that?

Categories: X2
Characters: None
Genres: Friendship
Tags: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1
Word count: 5117 - Hits: 2261
Complete?: Yes - Published: 08/30/2012 - Last Updated: 08/30/2012
Story Notes:

PG rating is for a few swears but not many

I classified this as 'friendship' because that's what it is. But be warned that Marie spends a lot of time wondering if there could be more between them than just friendship.  I think Logan's wondering that too... but of course he'd never admit that.

Beta: Becca, you're amazing! I couldn't have done this without you!

Author's notes: Ok, so first off... there is nothing more wonderful to me, than when Logan and Marie are the best of friends and just have fun together. That's basically how this started out. I thought, what would Logan do if the person he cares most for in this world was hurt? Well... there's the obvious answer, "gut someone". But in this case I thought something a little more silly was in order! Read on and you'll see!

Thanks again to Becca for the beta and SO much more! Helping me work through so many issues, without your help this wouldn't be what it is today! So thank you! :D

And to Tasha who puts up with my craziness when I'm fangirling all over the place and ranting about fictional characters not cooperating with me! LOL! Thanks chica!

1. The Wolverine Keyed My Car by Julia R [Reviews - 4] star star star star star (5117 words)