Logan was sitting on the couch in the deserted rec room, alternating bouncing Lydia on his knee and whooshing her up into the air as she giggled madly. It was a stark contrast to the screaming little devil she'd been for the last week, though he blamed that entirely on the cold she'd had.

So much had changed in the last six months since the infant arrived, the first few weeks had been one hell of a learning curve, for both himself and Marie, but they had managed to get through the initial figuring things out phase without killing each other, or Lydia, though there were plenty of tears from Marie at times as she, with all the sense of a hormonal new mother, tried to assume blame for her baby's initial erratic sleep schedule, and ear-piercing screaming. Logan, and everyone else who shared their floor, was glad he had done such a thorough job of sound proofing the suite.

Thankfully it hadn't taken long for Lydia and Marie to settle into a fairly solid routine, and Marie was able to restart classes in early January. Which had seen Logan take on a lot of Lydia's class time care. Marie thought it was adorable, watching Logan wander around the mansion with the little girl in tow, often asleep with her little cheek resting on his shoulder, or sitting in her baby rocker, gurgling at him between bouts of gumming whatever toy or blanket was in her reach.

He didn't help by talking back to the little girl, it wasn't unusual to hear some bizarre single sided conversations taking place, interrupted by baby babbling or squeals, which Logan always took as her agreeing with him on whatever subject the were discussing.

However, the students learned quickly not to dare mention how cute it was anywhere in Logan's hearing, except Marie of course, she could get away with murder but if anyone else dared to so much as 'aww' at the Wolverine blowing raspberries, or whisper about having seen him lying on the floor playing peekaboo... all hell broke loose, and by hell they meant one scary looking mfer came to growl and stare you down until one just about pissed their pants. Wolverine might be a giant teddy bear where the infant was concerned but that was about as far as that concern went.

He still ignored a lot of comments he overheard, though the students probably didn't realise, especially those girls standing outside the rec room door right now trying not to squeal at the spectacle they'd seen. He couldn't really be mad with them though; Marie was with them and was leading the squee brigade. The sound was loud enough for Lydia to pick up too, and she began to squeal and kick her legs animatedly when she realised her mother was nearby.

"Is that momma?" Logan asked the little girl with a grin, "Can you hear her, can you? Where is she? Where's momma hiding?" He held the little girl up so she could see over the furniture as she looked around the room, wide eyed, as her big brown Marie eyes searched for her mommy. She squealed again excitedly and reached out to Marie when she stepped into the room.

As Marie hung over the back of the couch beside him, cooing a greeting to the little girl, Logan felt the familiar warmth of contentment washing over him. How quickly, and seamlessly, he had settled into 'domestic life' had surprised even him, he had been intending, when he eventually returned for Marie, to take her on a road trip, maybe infect her with a bit of wanderlust so she might drift with him for a while until he could bring himself to consider 'settling down'. Instead, his own wanderlust had disappeared. Somewhere between leaving her at the school fifteen months ago and Lydia being born, the idea of upping sticks and disappearing into the wild had lost whatever appeal it had had. Especially when he stood in Lydia's room in the middle of the night and watched her sleep peacefully, then Marie would sneak up behind him and wrap her arms around him and watch too, but mostly when he crawled into bed at the end of every day, wrapped up in the beautiful girl he had somehow fallen in love with, and for some unknown reason loved him back.

At least, he assumed she did. They never spoke of their relationship in terms of love, or even need, in fact, they hardly spoke about their relationship at all. It just was. Ever since that morning, at exactly twelve oh one am, when Marie had crawled into his bed, wrapped herself around him, and whispered that it was her birthday now, she was eighteen, and could she tell him what she wanted for her birthday. He'd replied, 'Sorry darlin, I already got you a present but it's not ready to open yet.' In typical Marie fashion she just shrugged and replied, 'Well I'll consider this my present to myself then, and it is definitely ready for unwrapping.'

He really had tried to hold himself back, given Marie's track record in the sex department he had expected her to be, even if involuntarily, a little scared, and need to take it slow, with a lot of reassurance. She apparently didn't share his concerns, and made it very clear she was very ready for a full-on physical relationship, though he still took his time. It had been amazing, both of them falling asleep, exhausted but finally satisfied after months of being together but not 'together'. They had finally fallen asleep not long before dawn, only to be woken up about an hour later by a hungry baby.

It turned out no formal announcement of any kind was required to cement their relationship. When Marie's bed disappeared out of their 'living room', nothing was said, there was no fanfare, or complaints, everything continued as it had. For that they were both grateful.

In the here and now though, Marie had finished baby talking to the little girl still in his arms and moved on to talk to him, as she placed a soft kiss on his bearded cheek.

"Me and the girls are going to the mall, need to do some clothes shopping for the little weed before she grows out of everything, can I kidnap my own baby to take her with us, pretty please, I'll make it up to you later," she added in a suggestive tone.

"Mm, I don't know, how would you make up something like that?" Logan replied with a grin, keeping hold of the little girl as Marie tried to pluck her out of his hands.

"Well," it seemed Marie was going to play along if the path her hands had suddenly decided to follow instead was any indication. "It could start like this-" she ran her hands over his shoulders and down his chest- "Maybe a bit of this-" gently squeezing across his crotch- "And maybe a bit of this-" she murmured, right before she bit down hard on the juncture between his neck and shoulder, using his sudden distraction to slide Lydia out of his hands.

"You little sneak!" Logan chuckled in response, as he leapt up and vaulted over the couch, following after Marie as she quickly disappeared out of the room with her prize, who continued to giggle madly at the fun new game she was part of.

He cornered them right before the garage, pining Marie to the wall with a grin, she didn't put up much of a fight as she was laughing too hard. "I'm gonna have to get you back for that you little minx," he commented, pulling her tight against him so she could feel the beginnings of his hard on, from her teasing. "How long are you gonna be?" he asked, switching tack to tease the side of her neck with little kisses and nips through the veil of hair that covered her skin.

"Probably a couple of hours, we'll be back before Lydie's three thirty nap," Marie replied, though now that she said it she was beginning to reconsider her plans, maybe she would just stay right here instead.

"Oh seriously! Come on you two, Logan you get her all night, can't we just borrow her for a couple of hours!?" Jubilee commented cheekily, from where she had wandered out of the garage to see what was holding Marie up.

With a chuckle Logan released her. "Have fun, stay out of trouble... all of you," he added, glaring pointedly at Jubilee.

"No problem, we'll have them back before you know it," she said, grabbing Marie's non-baby occupied hand and dragging her away.

"I'll get you something special, sugar," Marie called back, followed by a chorus of 'eww's and 'TMI's from her friends.

With a chuckle Logan watched them go, not leaving his post until he was sure Lydia was safely buckled into her car seat, and Marie had flashed him her signature 'see you soon' smile.
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