Jean was fussing over Marie the whole flight, making sure she was comfortable and not stressed. Logan was distracted by Bella, who wanted to simultaneously sit on his knee, and look out the small porthole window, a prospect Logan did not enjoy.
It took Marie several minutes to notice the pair had fallen silent around halfway through the flight, and she turned to look at them, expecting to see Bella had fallen asleep. Instead she saw Logan and Bella, heads together and matching mischievous grins on their faces, as they whispered quietly to each other. She wanted to think 'at least they aren't causing trouble' but those grins told her otherwise; they were planning something.
When the jet landed at the school, dropping down below the ground level before a thick hanger door slid shut above their heads, Marie wasn't surprised when Bella immediately left Logan behind and ran to the front of the plane to watch the shutdown sequence being run. She was such a curious child it probably shouldn’t have surprised her. When Bella grabbed her own little backpack, and headed off the plane at Scott's side, chattering away a mile a minute about her dolly that she had carried with her the whole trip, Marie didn't think anything of it given everyone else was headed in the same direction.
Until she noticed that Scott wasn’t headed in quite the said direction. He was walking in a steady straight line, not towards the door of the hangar room, but to the wall about four feet to the left. She caught Logan's shit eating grin, a moment before he shushed Jean when she looked like she was going to call out to Scott.
A moment later, Bella stopped walking suddenly and Scott walked full speed into the wall. Logan and Bella immediately started laughing, while the rest of the women tried in vain to stop their own giggles from bursting forth. Bella quickly scampered back to Logan, hiding behind his leg, and they watched as Scott shook his head and stared between the wall in front of him, and the door beside him.
"What...?" he queried in confusion, before Marie explained; Bella could make mirages, and jabbed Logan in the ribs as he continued to chuckle.
"What was that for?" he asked, in mock hurt.
"I know you told her to do that," Marie replied.
Logan shot her an offended 'who me?' look, before clarifying. "There's 'telling' and then there's 'suggesting' darlin, I just helped her out with a few suggestions," he said with a grin, then ducked down and lifted Bella onto his back, before picking up the bags he had been about to carry to their new suite. "By the way, Scooter, watch your back," Logan added as he, with an angelic looking Bella in tow, walked past him.
"Seriously, your back," he repeated, before he and Bella cracked up laughing again when they heard a chorus of shrieks from behind them.
Marie rolled her eyes, it was going to be a long year, if they weren't careful they would be being asked to leave before it was over. Though finally giving in to her giggles at the matching looks of mischief on Logan and Bella's faces... she wasn't really too worried about that. It would sure be fun.