Not long before dawn Logan felt the slight pinching feeling of a telepath trying to contact him. With a glance at his two sleeping passengers he relaxed enough to let Charles make contact, careful to avoid him seeing any thoughts in his mind. It wouldn't do to have the old telepath getting suspicious now.
~'Chuck, Kitty okay?'~ he queried as a greeting.
~'She is doing well, she was worried about you and whether you made it out of the building before it met its unfortunate demise, I assured her you would be fine; apparently you had another girl in your possession, and she was worried about her too?'~ Charles informed him, querying the information indirectly.
~'Yeah, we both got out fine, were out before it blew, what made it go up?'~ he asked, torn between it being an accident, or One-eye intentionally having tried to finish him off.
~'Young Pyro accidentally ignited a fractured gas line, that reaction training you assisted with last time you were here worked wonders, he was able to switch his own mutations protections on very quickly, though he did receive some minor burns Jean believes they are largely superficial, and he was able to divert the explosion around his teammates,'~ Charles advised proudly. Johnny Allerdyce had been a thorn in Logan's side the whole time he had been at the school the year before, he was a mouthy, arrogant, cocky little shit. It had taken Logan kicking the shit out of him in training, while Logan was literally on fire, before Johnny had realised Logan wasn't shitting about the kids mutation not being all he thought it was. The kid was still a pain in the ass but he at least dropped the cockiness and started listening after that, and he was a fast leaner too when he applied himself.
~'Good for him,'~ Logan replied distractedly. ~'Listen, some of the folks back there got a pretty good look at me, and I didn't manage to take them all out, so, I'm going to ground for a while, do us both a favour and don't come calling any time soon,'~ he advised his old friend.
~'Of course, that would probably be best, we will try not to disturb your vacation again, I do have to ask though,'~ Xavier hesitantly began, ~'... Shall we collect the girl for you?'~
~'Nah, I'll get her home, it'll give me a reason to get out of the area,'~ Logan responded. Of course he wouldn't tell the nosy old codger whose home he was taking her to, that was need to know information, and Charles didn't need to know.
~'That makes sense,'~ Charles agreed, and after further assurance that Logan didn't require any assistance the telepath retreated, and Logan was left alone once more with his thoughts.
Late the following night, as the two girls again slept, Logan smoothly slowed the camper and turned off the highway, into the driveway that led to his cabin. Slowly he crawled down the rough track, trying not to jostle his passengers enough to wake them. He had been making a rather large circle around the area his property was located for a couple of hours, waiting for the cover of darkness, and the girls to fall asleep, before he risked venturing in. He didn't want the teen - Marie her name was, though she tried to give him some bolshie codename to start with, that he had just laughed at - to get any ideas about running off. If she didn't know where she was she would be less likely to try that, not that she would need to, he had no intention of harming her, though she still seemed understandably wary of him.
Eventually pulling to a stop in front of the small dark cabin that was his refuge, he eased himself out of the vehicle, leaving it running with the heater on to combat the chill of the mountain night, and headed inside. Once he had a fire roaring away, to warm the building up, he went back to get the sleeping girls. He opened the passenger door and couldn't help but grin to himself at the adorable image both sleeping beauties presented. He reached for Bella - the little blue winged fairy - first, she was on top after all, but almost shot his claws out in surprise when Marie's arms reflexively batted him away and wrapped around the little girl as he started to lift her away.
"Shit kid, you're jumpier than I am," Logan murmured with a chuckle, as Marie's eyes blinked open.
"What are you doing?" she demanded grouchily, her speech still a little slurred from sleep.
"I'm taking her inside to bed, I was going to come back for you next but seeing as you're awake now you can bring yourself in, come on," Logan directed, tugging the somehow still sleeping child from Marie’s arms, and continuing toward the cabin.
He heard Marie scramble out of the vehicle behind him, slamming the door loudly after her, accompanied a split second later by a loudly whispered 'sorry'. She caught up to him as he got to the door of the cabin, and he nudged it open with his boot to admit them.
"Bed's through here," he murmured to his shadow as she shut the door behind them, stepping through a doorway beside the fireplace into the small bedroom tucked in behind. It was warming nicely with the heat starting to soak into the stone wall that was the back of the fireplace.
"There's only one?" Marie's voice startled him.
"One what?" Logan queried, distracted by trying to figure out how he was going to turn back the blankets for the sleeping child in his arms... with a sleeping child in his arms.
"Bed... there's only one bed," Marie repeated, turning his attention fully to her.
"Yeah, there is, it'll do for tonight though, probably warmer too for the both of you since the fire hasn't been going long," Logan said, before asking if Marie could pull back the covers for him.
He lay Bella down in the bed, slipping off her shoes, and the coat he had bought her earlier that morning, then tugged the blankets back over her. Still, she was shivering a little in her sleep by the time he was done. With a smile down at her sleeping face, Logan stood and turned to Marie.
"You sleep on this side of the bed, it's closer to the fireplace so it'll be warmer, I'll sleep on the other side, if we keep Bella between us she should be plenty warm too," Logan explained. "I'll go get more wood for the fire and some extra blankets, you start warming up the bed," he said, as Marie stood in silence staring at him uncertainly. Leaving her to follow his instructions, he headed back outside to move the truck under cover and get more firewood.
By the time he got back to the bedroom with a couple of spare blankets, Marie was in bed with a still sleeping Bella cuddled up to her. Without a word he spread the blankets over the bed, before kicking off his boots, and shedding jackets, belt, and popping the button on his jeans, before crawling into bed. The bed was big enough for two people, small as she was though little Bella made it a bit of a tight fit for three he decided, as he fit himself in far enough from the edge to not fall out of bed, with Bella pressed up between him and Marie. He didn't mind though.
"’Night Marie," Logan said softly, grinning in the dark as he watched Marie watch him in the pale silvery light that filtered through the clouds and the window. Curtains might help keep some heat in, he noted absently, marking down a mental to-do to grab some curtain fabric when he went into town next. Then he finally settled in to sleep for the first time in three days.