Author's Chapter Notes:
Just a little side step something to clear the voices in my head ? Nicca—don’t worry, this isn’t the fic I asked for your help with. It showed up when I was in the middle of something on that fic…this has been unbeta’d and I apologize profusely for anything too wonky!
When did I ‘know’ I loved Rogue? It’s a question some of you have asked me and at first I wouldn’t answer because I couldn’t come up with an answer.

You romantics would like to think I fell at first sight. Well, it didn’t work like that for me. Others of you would like to think I had to work at seeing myself ‘in love’ before falling for her. Nope, wrong again, bub.

When I sat down and started to think about the moment I fell in love with Rogue, each time my heart remembered the moment I lost her.

It didn’t mean jack to me about myself when ol’ buckethead had me at his mercy on that train. Oh no, the moment I realized the bastard’s intentions to take Rogue from under my nose with me unable to do a damn thing- ‘that’ is when I got pissed off. If it hadn’t been for my infernal metal skeleton, I woulda killed him where he stood because at the moment my eyes met with hers with my silent apology for letting her down is when I belonged to her and I swore to do anything to get her back and keep her safe.

I know. I know. What timing, right? Me, two feet off the ground, unable to do a goddamn thing and ‘that’ is when I get protective of my girl.
But like I said earlier, I didn’t realize that at that moment when Magneto took her from me I was in love with her. My heart knew it, but my brain took longer to catch up.

Even when that old grey-haired bastard got the upper hand again and had each of us pinned against that statue, I knew nothing was going to stop me from getting her back. Not the walking flea bag, not even the fear that Storm and Jean wouldn’t get me to her and that Ol’ One-Eye would have to try and get her. One way or another Ma-*ahem* Rogue would be freed.

And I’ll tell ya’ that it scared me shitless when I reached her and she was so limp and cold. But there was no better feeling in the world at that moment then when her sin started letting me heal her.

It hurt like hell and I regret having her deal with my shit in her head, but she’s alive, she’s strong and I got one hell of a great nap out of it.

“Now that I’ve talked long enough for Scooter to have lost any bet he had against me, I’d like to say one final thing to my bride- no matter when I fell in love with you or when I realized it, I do love you and can’t wait for you to have my kids!”


“Well, Logan, I know I’d be wrong to think my speech would be as colorful as yours. And I doubt I’ll ‘ever’ hear a wedding speech that was so “ *ahem* “ honest. I’d like to ask us all to toast the new couple and hope their union continues to be one in a million.”

As everyone drinks I can’t help but think how lucky I was that Marie hitched an unsolicited ride in my trailer. And that I wasn’t a complete jerk in stopping myself from leaving her on the side of the road.

And just how much this wedding just bugs the crap out of Cyclops- Wolverine and Rogue have tied the knot before he and Red even set a date. She’ll be nagging him for weeks now. Yeah, life is good for once.
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