Author's Chapter Notes:
A/N: I blame my own mind and Furball, my wonderful muse. She’s a doll sometimes. And she lives for stuff like this. Thanks, Jenn-jenn, for saying this was cute. Kinda cliché-ful, but I’ve tried to keep that to a minimum. Fanon is definitely observed here.
“Mmmmmm…” Marie makes the hottest sounds when she’s waking up. Okay, everything about her is hot, but those little sounds drive me wild. I decide to be nice after our two-day stint, though, and not try for a...twelfth time? Thirteenth? I don’t know. All I know is that the last two days were some of the best in my life and were almost worth going through with the contest. Almost.

Hell, who am I kidding? I’d do it all again just to get Marie to spend that much time in the sack with me again. Damn, she’s great in bed. I know I’m no slouch, either, so I think it’s safe to say we have a very satisfactory love life. Or should I say satiated? Nah, I’ll never get enough of her. I’m pretty sure she feels the same way.

“So, did you guys figure out how much we made for the Orphanage?” I ask, running a hand through her silky hair. There is a lot of emphasis put on that “we,” let me tell you.

Marie’s eyes crack open, and she smiles up at me triumphantly. “We got the total right before you dragged me off to bed. Actually, Jean sent it to me telepathically as Scott was dragging her off, and I guess ‘Ro must have told her right before she and Remy disappeared,” she says with a laugh. She’s running a hand through the hair on my chest, and I barely manage to keep my mind focused on our conversation. Okay, there is a small part of me paying attention to that, while the rest is thinking that night is a little too far away.

“The total, Marie,” I demand even as I begin stroking her back, reveling in the feel of all that smooth skin.

“Aaah…three hundred thousand, two hundred and sixty eight,” is just about all that Marie manages to get out. Well, that and one of those soft, sexy sighs I love so much.

Giving really is worth it, I guess. Especially when it means that I’ll have Marie to myself as long as I want for “doing my part.”
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