likelandm [Contact]
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Member Since: 06/04/2009
Membership Status: Member


I recently discovered W/R fanfic...though I admit I became a fan of W/R when I saw X1, they hooked me right away and were basically what I watched X2 and 3 for. Back then, didn't know about fanfic and that others liked them too. So, I'm happy to have discovered this site....and though I'm not a fanfic writer...I'm definitely a reader and I love the fanfics many talented authors with such amazing stories, I had to join just so I could get a chance to review.
Reviews by likelandm
retired featured story Heck with Canada. I say we set this someplace warmer. How y'all feel about the Big Easy?

Rated: Mature
Categories: AU
Characters: None
Genres: Shipper
Tags: None
Warnings: None

Series: Fighter/Artist
Chapters: 5
Wordcount: 8331 - Hits: 32690
Complete?: Yes - Published: 04/18/2005 - Last Updated: 04/18/2004
Reviewer: likelandm Signed
Date: 08/28/2009 Title: Chapter 5: Goin' Home


My first review :) I adore this of my all time fave's. I love your variation of their first meeting..with an older, independent, knows herself-and what she wants-Marie. This maturity has given her a confidence and certain boldness w/o losing that sass, vulnerability and fun that Logan's always drawn to....I don't think he knew what hit him LOL. I'm also way happy about the morning after and your imagery is know how sometimes certain things you read stick w/ you..for me it was the kimono with butterflies...still picture it. Thank you for this fabulous story..of course, I read Artist, and that deserves its own review.

Reviewer: likelandm Signed
Date: 08/30/2009 Title: Chapter 5: Goin' Home

Okay, I'm such a dork I didn't realize I'd interspersed Artist into my earlier post (I'd read both at the same time and forgot where Fighter ended). I love this series..thank you so much for these beautiful stories.

Author's Response: Thank you for the lovely feedback. I\'m especially touched at what you remembered from \"Artist\"--that kimono got a nice comment way back when it was first written by someone I was particularly close to, so you brought back some nice memories for me.

Six years after they meet, post X1. A little walk through my home town.

Rated: R
Categories: AU
Characters: None
Genres: Shipper
Tags: None
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 7128 - Hits: 5079
Complete?: Yes - Published: 07/13/2005 - Last Updated: 07/13/2005
Reviewer: likelandm Signed
Date: 09/08/2009 Title: Chapter 1: Lose All The Battles

Lovely story....truly a pleasure to read. I have my comfort fics (ones I go back to when I want to read something I absolutely love) and this (and its companion) are 2 of them.
I want to comment on so many things that I liked..but will condense it to a couple.
-I love how the complexity of L&M's entire relationship was conveyed in one seemingly simple evening (with so many emotional undercurrents) and ended with a beautiful conclusion.
-The angst was so good it hurt lol...Marie seeing Logan's random girl...of course, she's model-ish, wearing killer shoes..with the added irony of kinda lusting after her herself (thanks to ?inner-Logan)..and the contrast with her own sensible shoes and self..ouch. Glad she got to make a petty comment...there's only so much hurt/anger one can bottle up.
-This story has one of my favorite versions of Marie ever.
-Love Logan having an outside place...seems so right..and the aesthetics of it...also seems so him.
-Logan's "b/c ILY and it was time"...perfect Logan...simple, succinct and with a wealth of meaning.
You have such an elegant and thoughtful way of writing...makes me want to savor each line. Thank you so much.
P.S..I was excited to see your response to a previous post..I'm fairly new to WRFF, and with some stories being years old, I'm not sure which authors still write or it was really nice to see yours.

Author's Response: Such a lovely and intricate FB deserves both a response and a thank-you. So thank you! This fic, being set in my very own home town, is rather near and dear to my heart, so I\'m very pleased that it\'s still being rediscovered and enjoyed.

Companion piece to Lose All The Battles. Logan's POV.

Rated: R
Categories: AU
Characters: None
Genres: Shipper
Tags: None
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 6054 - Hits: 4292
Complete?: Yes - Published: 07/13/2005 - Last Updated: 07/13/2005
Reviewer: likelandm Signed
Date: 09/08/2009 Title: Chapter 1: Alea Iacta Est

Hey again…I’m reviewing whenever I get a chance :)
I was thrilled to see this companion piece…such a treat to get Logan’s POV too. As much as I loved reading about Marie’s POV…and maybe it’s b/c being a girl I tend to always empathize/and root more for the heroine…but she was so heartbreakingly open in the first was nice to read that L’s feelings ran just as deep. I guess what I’m trying to say is…you know how Logan’s usually portrayed as kind of a man-whore ;) and he’s so guarded and private…opposite of Miss wears-her heart on her sleeve-Marie…to get to read about his feelings (instead of just inferring it)….makes it even better.
-I’m a fan of how he put three years of wanting into that kiss…*swoons*
-I love the description of how HE sees her...perfect.
-Even the fact that he wanted to take the time to enjoy the sight of her on his bed for the first time…it’s sweet that he can be sentimental too.
-It’s an interesting analogy that he saw the avoidance of progression of his relationship with her, as akin to fighting a war….and that it was finally over…I think both sides won :)
Thanks for sharing.

Just a little dip into Marie's memories

Rated: G
Categories: X3
Characters: None
Genres: Shipper
Tags: None
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 683 - Hits: 2568
Complete?: Yes - Published: 01/01/2007 - Last Updated: 01/01/2007
Reviewer: likelandm Signed
Date: 10/09/2009 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1

Lovely story. I loved the background of the snow on a quiet night...such a pretty setting for their first
kiss(es)...and how cute was it that "the Wolverine" was awkward and clumsy? sweet and funny...guess she's the only one to fluster him. I got a sense of tranquility not only with the imagery, but for a moment of thier lives and, it was really nice. Thanks for this little gem.

Author's Response: Thank you :o) This was probably my favourite fic to write - no angst or snark! - so I\'m really glad you enjoyed it!

Logan and Marie strike a bargain in order to survive the weeks on the run after Stryker's raid on the Mansion.

Rated: NC-17
Categories: AU
Characters: None
Genres: Action, Adult, Angst, Dark, Drama, Shipper
Tags: None
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 11
Wordcount: 39896 - Hits: 93226
Complete?: Yes - Published: 09/19/2006 - Last Updated: 09/19/2006
Reviewer: likelandm Signed
Date: 09/17/2009 Title: Chapter 1: Prologue: Ignorance


Fantastic story...loved it. I have to admit though, I thought it was bittersweet too. I think it's the first time in a story where W/R end up together (b/c they want to..not b/c of rebound/other people etc.)yet I'm left feeling sad..all b/c of Marie. I loved your Marie...and understand how and why Rogue came about..but..I wish she could've integrated with Rogue, instead of completely being taken over. Given time..I think she could also have been able to handle Wolverine...and I got the impression Logan might've thought so too.
So anyway, not to be a total downer LOL, it's an awesome story...and as you can probably tell, it got to me :)..and I'm in awe of your talent. Thanks so much for sharing.

The Wolverine tries to get Logan's attention on the subject of mating.

Rated: PG-13
Categories: X2
Characters: None
Genres: General
Tags: None
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 2449 - Hits: 3370
Complete?: Yes - Published: 04/10/2006 - Last Updated: 04/10/2006
Reviewer: likelandm Signed
Date: 09/20/2009 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1

Amazing story...there was almost something epic about it..with the underlying themes of destiny and fate. I liked the analogy of Jekyll/Hyde with W/L…fascinating concept.
-I thought it was neat how the amalgamation of Wolverine and Logan was also reflected by showing their separate eye colors.
-I awwwed at Logan’s interaction with little sweet...her holding his hand...and the teddy bear...went for the heartstrings didn’t you? :P
-I kind of wanted Wolverine to just let Logan know already, you why not tell, since it was also affecting him too...but I get why he didn’t right then...Logan has to come to that place of understanding for him to be accepting....and the image of Wolverine checking up on his girl that night and reassuring ;)
-Finally, I’d like to imagine that this Logan, sometime in the future after he’s gotten together with Marie, happens upon the teddy bear and has a remnant of that memory...thinks about the concept of soulmates...and holds her a bit tighter.
Thanks for this lovely story...enjoyed it a lot...and thanks for your post re. Fangs...I’m happy to hear that a sequel’s not out of the question.

Author's Response: You hit a very important point - Logan isn\'t ready to know. He\'s still fighting the age-difference issue. Wolverine, however, doesn\'t give a fig. I\'ve struggled with the idea of adding a second section to this one, but nothing ever seemed strong enough or creative enough to add. You may have hit the nail on the head with that suggestion - shoot it into the future. I\'m gonna have to think on that. Thanks!

Halloween costumes come in many varieties.

Rated: PG-13
Categories: X2
Characters: None
Genres: Holiday
Tags: None
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 1683 - Hits: 2323
Complete?: No - Published: 01/17/2007 - Last Updated: 01/17/2007
Reviewer: likelandm Signed
Date: 09/03/2009 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1


I love this much good stuff to gush about but, I'll try to stick with a few :)
-soo cute that Rogue was the designated adult and her "knack", and also nice that the kids got a chance to have fun.
-her costume-awesome
-Logan as silent guard..and getting his much he wants her, and has for years and their flirting *swoons*
-Finally, L/M on the bike going off into the night with endless possibilities...delicious.
Thank you for this little gem of a story....aaand, I normally wouldn't bring this up for a one-shot..but, there was mention of a possible sequel(though it was a couple of years ago, so possibly not), would be a nice treat for the upcoming Halloween. ;)

Author's Response: There is a second installment planned. I just can\'t decide where to go with it. I have scenes in mind, bits and pieces, but I need to have it glued together, and so far, it ain\'t stickin\'!

In this alternate-reality version of the movie, Logan fights Sabertooth without X-men intervention. He and Marie start building a life together. But in time they do come into contact with X-men.

Rated: R
Categories: AU
Characters: None
Genres: Friendship
Tags: None
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 15146 - Hits: 4050
Complete?: Yes - Published: 03/12/2001 - Last Updated: 03/12/2001
Reviewer: likelandm Signed
Date: 09/17/2009 Title: Chapter 1: X-Men: An Alternate View 1: The Movie


Amazing story...pretty much had everything I could ever want for them in that time-setting. I love how this Logan, after the initial-I'm not good enough for her stuff--doesn't shy away from his feelings for her. He holds himself in check b/c of her age...but,'s all about her...her protection/safety, comfort and happiness...and he never backed away from showing it. Honestly, I think this is one of my favorite Logan interpretations ever.
This was also one of the most romantic stories I've ever read....the warmth, tenderness, and underlying love they shared, with the promise of a future of possibilities...was also very sexy (even w/ just a friendship rating lol).
Gosh, I don't want to write a thesis here :)...and I'm not even sure if you still write W/R stuff or will see this, as I saw the publication date was in 2001...but I couldn't not's a beautifully done story and has another new fan. If you do ever decide to do a sequel...know that it will be appreciated...and even if not..this story is still adored. Thank you for sharing.

Rogue finds someone to share her bed. What? It gets lonely…

Rated: G
Categories: AU
Characters: None
Genres: Foof
Tags: None
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 1795 - Hits: 3587
Complete?: Yes - Published: 09/27/2007 - Last Updated: 09/27/2007
Reviewer: likelandm Signed
Date: 09/08/2009 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1


This was supercute...totally loved it. It had shippery goodness aaand made me laugh...I went awwww when he went to find Marie (ya know the nothing-on-TV was just an excuse)...and laughed out loud when he thought it was a badger. It was hilarious that he was freaked out by the beady little eyes..and felt challenged by it...but hey, at least it pushed him in the right direction. It was so much fun to read..I'm still smiling...thanks for sharing.

Just a little fluff, mixed with a bit of post-Valentine's-Day angst.

Rated: PG
Categories: X3
Characters: None
Genres: Shipper
Tags: None
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 4503 - Hits: 4030
Complete?: Yes - Published: 02/22/2008 - Last Updated: 02/22/2008
Reviewer: likelandm Signed
Date: 09/20/2009 Title: Chapter 1: As Sweet As Damask Roses

Enchanting story. I loved quiet, contemplative Logan and how he sweetly charmed Marie...tres romantic.
I’d recently read a fic where Mariko was mentioned, and having never read the comics, I went to Wiki (I know), for info and now with that knowledge...think it was really neat how you incorporated Marie-ko into. It makes me think about the interesting symmetry between these two characters and why the comics never went there…anyway, enough of my random musings.
It was great to read a fic where a post-cure Marie and Logan pairing seem so natural..simple and perfectly plausible...loved it. Thanks for sharing.

Sometimes we get the balance wrong. Life is not about knowing the answers, life is what happens while you're looking for them. And the bad decisions? The screw-ups? They're what keep it interesting.

Rated: Adult
Categories: X3
Characters: None
Genres: Action, Angst, Humor, Shipper
Tags: None
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 31
Wordcount: 91223 - Hits: 318242
Complete?: Yes - Published: 08/31/2008 - Last Updated: 10/11/2009
Reviewer: likelandm Signed
Date: 09/06/2009 Title: Chapter 1: Prologue

This is such a beautifully done story…I’m in awe of your talent and the time, energy, and love for L/M you must’ve put into it, b/c it all shows. I have so many things I want to comment on and will try not to write a mini-story lol .
To start off…you made me like Mystique as Rogue’s comrade/literal partner-in-crime(have always liked her as an antagonist-in ff and the movies), b/c I thought in her own way, she really cared about Rogue, knew her pretty well, and tried to get her to face some truths. Secondly, Xavier…he was the calm, soothing, helpful Professor I imagined way back when I watched the cartoons…and I think his presence cemented her feeling welcome/accepted, back at the mansion. Scott…I always like reading about a Scott/Marie friendship..b/c I think they have the best potential for one…and enjoyed your different spin-how it was b/c of their own damaged psyches that they saw each other differently and became
Onto the main two--what can I say about your Rogue? I felt every painfully awkward moment she experienced (and there were quite a few of them) well as all her highs and lows. I have to admit, in a way, seeing the despair, loneliness, abandonment, hurt, and unrequited love (she thought) she felt for so long…I was almost tempted to wish she’d just move on from Logan(and I don't want that). In his own way, with his mixed-up signals, misplaced sense of nobility, and fear, he messed her up a lot. Especially since she wasn’t seventeen anymore…he could’ve stepped up a while ago..aaand..the Storm thing didn’t help either. That said…it’s Logan, with his relentless drive to keep her safe and willingness to do anything for that thought didn’t last for too long. I loved how he finally admitted/and showed his feelings in Logan-esque fashion….and well, the fact that he trembled when he was finally with her, didn’t hurt either.
Finally, I’m being a shallow girl…but I like that he got to see her looking hot at least once…especially since she always ended up being a bloody or sweaty mess during their later encounters.
Thank you so much… it’s always a treat to find a long and fantastic story like this. Can’t wait to see where they end up in the epilogue…and the possibility of a post-fic fic sounds great.

Author's Response: Thank you so much for your comments! I\'ve been a bit lax on the epilogue writing (I\'ve been feeling guilty about this for weeks though - heh) and needed something to kick start me again - and I think you might just have done it *g* \r\n\r\nI\'m glad you liked Mystique. I think she has the potential to be one of the most interesting characters out there and it was great fun to play her and Rogue against the world together. Scott and Rogue... I have to admit- if I didn\'t ship Rogan, I\'d probably ship Scott and Rogue. I love playing with the potential friendship there. \r\n\r\nLike you said as well, there was a part of me when I was writing this, when Logan was being at his most stubborn, that nearly thought screw it, ditch Logan & get over it. *lol* I think I made Mystique say it too Rogue as well (Mystique was my sarcastic outlet for many things *g*) I was over the moon when I finally made L&R talk to each other though! Took me far too many chapters!\r\n\r\nAnyway, I\'m rambling - so time to go. But thanks for the feedback!

Reviewer: likelandm Signed
Date: 10/11/2009 Title: Chapter 1: Prologue

Yay..the glad you decided to go with it. Like you mentioned, even if there wasn’t an epilogue..I would’ve been happy with the last chapter..thought it ended perfectly… but this was an awesome little gift :). I was totally surprised about the pregnancy..didn’t picture it for them during this time in their feels right and feels like them. They’re still real (for fictional characters :D)..she’s still Marie..but-a loved, in love and looking forward to a fulfilling future-Marie and going on this journey with them, I’ve come to care about these two so much..I love that they got that.
Also, you managed to add in a couple of my fave L/M stuff..the cabin and road the variations of their meeting in the’s always fun to read..and thanks for the mention of the nuzzle *sigh*. I think you’ve created a little monster cuz now I wonder if it’s a boy or a girl and names and wanting to know all the details LOL. Finally, yay for Scott too..and that these two have the chance to go back , share their impending arrival with their friends and the future looks promising.
Thank you so much..this story is loved.

Author's Response: Thank you so much for your comments :oD I wasn\'t sure to start with, but I\'m glad it posted the epilogue now. I wasn\'t planning the pregnancy bit for them either, but I thought that they needed something that would make them look to the future (they\'re both rather good at dwelling in the past!)... and like Marie said - it just kinda happened! I might post a little post fic mini drabble somewhere down the line as well. I have an image in my mind I want to play with *g*

"We have a deal."

Rated: NC-17
Categories: AU
Characters: None
Genres: Shipper
Tags: None
Warnings: None

Series: WAR
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 1185 - Hits: 3696
Complete?: Yes - Published: 12/28/2008 - Last Updated: 12/28/2008
Reviewer: likelandm Signed
Date: 09/15/2009 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1


Fantastic series...their world was so unique, engrossing and I enjoyed every second of their journey. I loved everything, from the moment they met, when she was a their ensuing adventures, the end, and their new beginning.
-I like this new, different Logan...he's usually portrayed as kinda it was an interesting and neat twist about how Marie was the only one he was with.
-I usually stay away from dark endings, esp. when one or both of them end up gone...but, this is the first one where I was totally okay when they died. I think it was b/c they went through so much...a lot of it together..and their love and devotion stayed true and they never gave up on each other. It wasn't an easy love, and they were sure put through the wringer, but it was always felt. So, I thought they had a fitting end..and liked that it was in each other's arms. That said...I was thrilled that they got a chance at a new beginning cause it's always nice reading about second chances, even if it's for a fictional couple.
Thank you so was truly a pleasure to read.

Classic girl meets boy. Mostly movieverse, but some things have switched around a little.
R to NC-17 (eventually!)
Mostly Marie POV, but with some snippets of Logan along the way.

Rated: R
Categories: X2, AU
Characters: None
Genres: Action, Adult, Angst, Drama
Tags: None
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 19
Wordcount: 41045 - Hits: 157460
Complete?: No - Published: 02/03/2009 - Last Updated: 11/24/2013
Reviewer: likelandm Signed
Date: 09/03/2009 Title: Chapter 4: On the Road Again.


I'm so happy to have discovered this much fun to read. Great variation on how they met....their chem (in chap. 2) just leapt off the wonder they can't get their minds off each other.
The Logan and Jubes friendship reminded me of the L/R relationship (w/o the romance/UST, of course)'s nice to know he has a confidant..and someone who may help (hopefully) in getting them together...and methinks she'll love Rogue ;) Can't wait to see what happens next. Thank you for sharing.

The aftermath of a mission changes things between Rogue and Logan.

Rated: PG-13
Categories: X2
Characters: None
Genres: Drama
Tags: None
Warnings: Not Beta Read

Series: None
Chapters: 7
Wordcount: 13057 - Hits: 41867
Complete?: Yes - Published: 03/22/2009 - Last Updated: 09/04/2009
Reviewer: likelandm Signed
Date: 09/03/2009 Title: Chapter 7: Outlaw in the Night

I'm on a review roll lol. I enjoyed this story so much...had everything I could want for them. I admit I have a little extra love for the Flight Night chap...besides how the progression of their relationship was described...what struck me was Marie's total surety about Logan...that he wouldn't look at another woman...of course it's inferred a lot in stories and I usually think of it as a given....but, it was extra nice that that's something that'll never be an issue for them.
I also liked how he was the one that kept on moving their relationship to the next level (ILY's etc)....the pleasure Marie takes in knowing that was sweet. Though I was surprised she lost the baby..they're just so know they'll be all right. Thanks a lot for sharing.

Author's Response: I love reviews like this, because it makes me see things that I didn\'t even realize in my own story. Now I\'ve got to go back and re-read. Thanks for shaking things up for me! I\'m glad you enjoyed that one.\r\n

"We both know that we’re just waiting until you grow up. I said I would let you grow up, I never said I would let him be the one that you grow up for.” 2nd part - Map Me With Bruises - is up.

Rated: NC-17
Categories: X1, X2
Characters: None
Genres: Adult, Angst, Drama, Shipper
Tags: None
Warnings: None

Series: Hurt Me
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 10419 - Hits: 6248
Complete?: Yes - Published: 05/24/2009 - Last Updated: 05/24/2009
Reviewer: likelandm Signed
Date: 09/28/2009 Title: Chapter 1: The Marks Of His Affection

Fabulous story..enjoyed it a lot. I thought it was neat how you changed things around a bit with these two and it wasn’t about their usual guilt trips-his age issue- cuz he very deliberately went after this younger Marie (loved the waiting for her in her room part..very hot)..and her skin. I liked how her skin really wasn’t important for either of them..the fact that it wasn’t even a second thought for him..might have made her feel even more comfortable. I also liked how she didn’t shy away or start to withdraw whenever he touched her bare skin, even with the inevitable consequence..esp. since he apparently liked to do it a lot LOL.
-And yeah, Logan’s kind of promiscuous ways were mentioned..but the other women/Jean weren’t really even really a blip on the was a nice change that it was more about Logan having to endure Marie’s other guy (esp. since that luckily didn’t progress too much :P
This Logan totally reminded me of Expectations Logan..the desperately Marie-needing of my faves. Thank you.

He used to be the kind of guy who, if he wanted something, took it. No thinking. No long, boring monologues with his stunted conscience. And any regrets were saved for after, then brushed away with a '**** happens’ kind of mentality

Rated: R
Categories: X3
Characters: None
Genres: Adult, Drama, Foof, PWP, Shipper
Tags: None
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 2986 - Hits: 3967
Complete?: Yes - Published: 06/06/2009 - Last Updated: 06/06/2009
Reviewer: likelandm Signed
Date: 08/30/2009 Title: Chapter 1: Expectations and Evolutions


Wow..fantastic story. It was fun to read how Logan progressed...he was trying so hard to be "bad ass" he didn't realize or acknowledge the truth of his feelings for Marie for a while. His little moment of paranoia in the kitchen (eyeing her-to see if she was eyeing him-was hilarious). Loved how Marie knows him so well though..she kept her cool and knew how to handle him.
I'm know I'm being toolish here lol..but, my L/M shippin' heart went :( when he hooked up with Emma...I know it ultimately was a catalyst for him to admit his true feelings..but did he have to think she was better in bed *insert over-dramatic sob* ;) Thanks for sharing this awesome story.

Author's Response: :D thanks for the review and yeah i get what u mean but there was a reason (a cleaver reason) for the insertation of emma and her skills. i wanted to get across that marie was not the best he ever had, her kisses didn\'t rock his world and make him go blind but his love for her finally makes logan, a serial pleasure seeker, forgot all that and realise there is more to life then sex. no matter how good it was with emma. lol.

Total AU set in Wyoming. The Mutant Tolerance Act has been passed and mutants are trying to live normal lives. Marie (Rogue) is Scott Summers cousin and is enjoying her normal life. Then she gets involved with her cousin's business partner, Logan. Jubilee, Kitty, Angel, and others will make appearances.

Rated: NC-17
Categories: AU
Characters: None
Genres: Holiday, Humor, Shipper
Tags: None
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 12
Wordcount: 46451 - Hits: 80856
Complete?: No - Published: 08/12/2009 - Last Updated: 10/20/2009
Reviewer: likelandm Signed
Date: 09/22/2009 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1

Really good story...has been so much fun to read. I like the whole AU Western theme...brings the characters alive in a different way.
It's been fun to see Logan and Marie starting to change their perspectives on each other...not that they're completely there yet...Logan's still seems to be kind of in denial about what his attraction/and feelings for Marie mean and vice versa.
So..heavy snowstorm=stranded Logan in Marie's apt.=nice little makeout session coming up, right? :P
Thanks so much...can't wait to see what's next.

Logan has taken in a desperate and on-the-run Marie who has offered ‘anything’ in exchange for his protection. Logan wants everything. This story chronicles is what happens to them and their relationship dynamic as they learn about each other during the return ride to Xavier’s. It also explores how their rather non-traditional relationship is received by the team once they arrive at the mansion. This story was inspired by Kristine’s “Anything” This story will make more sense if you have read "Anything" first as my opening chapter picks up right where Kristine’s story ends. Besides her story is one of the best W/R pieces ever written so you might as well go read it - NOW! :)…I’ll wait.

Rated: NC-17
Categories: AU
Characters: None
Genres: Adult, Dark, Shipper
Tags: None
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 8
Wordcount: 74499 - Hits: 116220
Complete?: No - Published: 09/14/2009 - Last Updated: 04/11/2012
Reviewer: likelandm Signed
Date: 09/21/2009 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1

Wow…intense. I tend to avoid fics that are purely just dark/and or angsty..figure there’s enough stress LOL…so, I wasn’t sure about this..but seeing the shipper part, decided to go ahead..and am glad I did...powerful stuff.
I don’t think I’ve read a Logan quite so dominating before, usually it’s Feral!Logan or Wolverine who shows that trait…so it’s really interesting to see it’s Logan who’s made a conscious decision to be like that..sounds like Jean’s messed him up pretty bad..if he’s willing to override his conscience and rise above the “animal” that in the past he’s wanted to distance himself from. That said, underneath all that, the guy who Marie instinctively trusts is still there..there are glimpses which show through…as well as inklings that Marie will breach his defenses (think she’s already kinda started to).
-As for Marie…that core of strength is still there..I think she’ll be a handful and he won’t know what him ;)
Thanks for sharing this great story..there’s a complexity to the characters which make them interesting in addition to all the hotness...since you mentioned it’ll deal with them at the mansion…can’t wait to see how everyone will react to these two *ahem* lovebirds.

Author's Response: Logan\'s got a lot going on in his head. Jean has actually broken him more than he realizes. You will start to see parts of that in chapter 3. He is, underneath it all the guy, that Marie can instinctively trust and to some extent she already does or she would have blotted sometime in the night. They both have an interesting journey ahead. I hope you like it.

“What would you do if one of these days they’d open the gates?”

Rated: R
Categories: AU
Characters: None
Genres: Drabble
Tags: None
Warnings: None

Series: Wasteland
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 692 - Hits: 2318
Complete?: Yes - Published: 10/11/2009 - Last Updated: 10/11/2009
Reviewer: likelandm Signed
Date: 10/11/2009 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1

Went to read this series from the beginning...really interesting. What a bleak, dismal world they’re in..or at least the mutant parts of it..she hasn’t been exposed to any other way of life..but Logan..sounds like he was..wonder what his thoughts on all of this are? I like how, even though he doesn’t verbalize it (and doesn’t give the impression he ever will)..she means something to him..he returns for her/to her..and protects her. Even though it seems like their world precludes the chance for a“traditional” sort of romance..their connection is still there and fitting for their circumstances. Thanks for sharing.

Author's Response: Thanks for taking your time to write a rewiew. Their world is bleak. This all started when a certain image started bugging me. I could see the first chapter in my minds eye and thought that it would have stayed as a one-shot, but it looks like there was more to it.

“And what makes you think that I wouldn’t like the outside world?”

Rated: R
Categories: AU
Characters: None
Genres: Crossover, Drabble
Tags: None
Warnings: None

Series: Wasteland
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 857 - Hits: 2422
Complete?: Yes - Published: 11/01/2009 - Last Updated: 11/01/2009
Reviewer: likelandm Signed
Date: 11/01/2009 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1

Yay an update..have to say these little vignettes are small, yet pack a big punch...they leave me wanting to know know all of it, actually LOL.
For some reason I’d imagined life outside the gates, aka life for non-mutants, was “normal” and decent and that the mutants, herded and living in their contained area, were worse off. Now, that theory’s shot, lol...unless the guys were lying to Marie?..hmmm. Either way, whatever life is like on the other side..glad to see Logan still manages to be wherever Marie is..she’s probably the only bright spot in his life..I think. Thank you.

Author's Response: I don\'t know what the world outside is, I haven\'t seen it yet. And this pace I\'ll be old and grey before my muse reveals even the smallest glimpse of it. But I\'m glad that you find these scribblings interesting. :)

The ‘ifs’ shake her trembling nerves; she reached down, searched for a hand, found one son’s fingers and gripped it tightly. Felt the stickiness of his palm, coated in cola and potato chips, ground her. “I have to Logan.”

Rated: PG
Categories: AU
Characters: None
Genres: Angst, Drama, Shipper
Tags: None
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 2848 - Hits: 2723
Complete?: Yes - Published: 11/03/2009 - Last Updated: 11/03/2009
Reviewer: likelandm Signed
Date: 11/04/2009 Title: Chapter 1: Monday's Child poignant yet, hopeful and so amazingly good. I like that Marie got some sense of closure..things weren’t all rosy..but, maybe it helped to heal some wounds.
I love the idea of them with the kids...and think it’s hilarious and poetic justice that Logan’s plagued by three little mini-Wolverines...especially with all the Jean-angst he put Marie though (sounds like he should give better reassurance if she still feels jealous on a regular basis). And, awww....a little girl…she’ll definitely have her daddy wrapped around her it. Finally, one of my fave parts was Marie holding onto her son’s sticky hand...and how it gave her clarity and strength...that was what was real and good in her life. Thanks so much.

They're all teenagers. Total AU. Logan doesn't have adamantium.

Rated: NC-17
Categories: AU
Characters: None
Genres: Adult, Humor, Shipper
Tags: None
Warnings: Not Beta Read

Series: None
Chapters: 24
Wordcount: 63839 - Hits: 171218
Complete?: No - Published: 11/08/2009 - Last Updated: 04/27/2010
Reviewer: likelandm Signed
Date: 11/08/2009 Title: Chapter 2: Newbie

Hilarious...and soo cute. I love the idea of a teen-age Logan and Marie..and the possibility of them as high school sweethearts :D
This snarky, attitude-y juvie Logan totally made me smile...can't wait to see what trouble he gets into...and esp. can't wait to see him get knocked off his feet by Marie. Gotta say thought, never having read the comics, a short Wolvie always catches me by surprise. Thanks a lot.

Author's Response: heh heh, i love short Wolverine. something about him having a bad case of \"short man syndrome\" always made sense to me in the comics. in X-men Evolution he appears to be taller, but as the students grow up, especially Scott it becomes clear he\'s not that tall. there\'s a couple of great scenes in late season of Evo where Cyclops TOWERS over him. a guy like Logan would haaaaaaate that, especially as a surly teenager.

Reviewer: likelandm Signed
Date: 12/06/2009 Title: Chapter 1: First Day of School

Hey Corinne,
I’m enjoying this story so much..and am always happy to see an update. I love how you’ve encompassed so many emotions and facets of their relationship in it. I’ve laughed reading about short Wolverine’s posturing attitude, enjoyed his first-ever real friendships with the other kids, and of course, love how you’re showing his relationship with Rogue. I love that we get to see them falling in love...and though it was lust at first, and there’s still a healthy dose there lol, it’s been fun to read about them being friends, joking around, yet still have that undeniable chemistry and intimacy. It’s such a great and unique idea to show them in this AU and while I like Wolverine/Logan the way he’s typically portrayed, not having that angst and world-weariness that he’s commonly associated with, due in part to the memory loss/adamantium/nightmares etc..has been a neat change, and it’s fun to get a glimpse of how he and/their relationship could’ve been. Thank you so much.

Author's Response: Thank you so much. Yes, one of the whole points of this story was to write a new version of Rogan, like you said without all the \"angst and world-weariness.\" as delicious as some pining and soul-wrenching adult love is, i was drawn to the idea of what they would be like as kids if they weren\'t quite so damaged and if they lived in a slightly more tolerant society. call me a crazy optimist. as you can they still get out to lots of trouble and are definitely anti-heroic in many ways...but they\'re also adaptable because they are young and not locked into how they perceive themselves or how the world views them. plus, it\'s just really fun to make them teens and give them all the teenage drama silliness that comes with that age.