atmd [Contact]
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Member Since: 06/30/2011
Membership Status: Member

Beta-reader: Yes
Umm.... okay. Me. I'm a science student who spends a disgusting amount of time reading and writing technical material. I love giving my brain a little rest by indulging in poetry, fiction, and of course fanfic. It's nice to write something without the goal of sounding like an overeducated, pompous ass, as seems to be requisite in all academia ;).

W/R is an appealing ship to me because there are so many fascinating complications with the characters' mutations and personalities. I hope you enjoy reading. Feedback is always appreciated, whether it's praise, comments, or suggestions to improve!
Reviews by atmd
This comic is about the relationship of Logan/Marie on the road, set in the timeline of the first movie. What would have happened if the X-men didn't show up?

Rated: PG-13
Categories: X1
Characters: None
Genres: Adult, Angst, Dark, Friendship
Tags: None
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 11
Wordcount: 85 - Hits: 53937
Complete?: Yes - Published: 11/18/2011 - Last Updated: 12/15/2011
Reviewer: atmd Signed
Date: 11/21/2011 Title: Chapter 5: Page 5

Oh my gosh. I love this. Great job! Such a cool concept and you really pulled it together. I'm so excited to read more of this.

Author's Response: Thanks so much!

Reviewer: atmd Signed star star star star star
Date: 11/29/2011 Title: Chapter 8: Page 8

Gah, poor Logan! Damn him and his nobility. Just *take* the girl, for goodness sakes ;).

Nah, that wouldn't make for an interesting story. This is great by the way! The boner was hilarious--actually made me laugh out loud.

And I'm gonna say it wasn't a coincidence that the woman he picked up was a brunette, huh?

Thanks for sharing this with us!

Author's Response: thank you,thank you, thank you for your great review! :) \r\nIm glad you are enjoying this,

Reviewer: atmd Signed star star star star star
Date: 11/30/2011 Title: Chapter 9: Page 9

Aww! This was my favorite panel so far. I love Marie's "I'm not a kid" and then he calls her "baby" :).

I really like Logan's boots! Also, great job on his hands in the bottom panel. I love how she's just thrown her arms around him, and he looks kind of hesitant, like he really wants to hug her back but isn't sure if he should.

Thanks again for sharing this. I always get all excited when I see an update =D

Author's Response: I LOVE your reviews! Its so flattering that you notice these details, it makes it all worthy :) Thanks!

Now COMPLETE!: A black-market ring dealing in mutants, and Logan and Marie. AU. My usual promises -- good grammar, smut, angst, action, drama, and a happy ending.

Rated: Mature
Categories: AU
Characters: None
Genres: Action, Adult, Angst, Drama, PWP, Shipper
Tags: None
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 31
Wordcount: 56517 - Hits: 241281
Complete?: Yes - Published: 11/25/2011 - Last Updated: 05/24/2012
Reviewer: atmd Signed star star star star star
Date: 11/25/2011 Title: Chapter 1: The Merchandise

Ooh! I almost couldn't believe my eyes when I saw another doctorg story so quick after the last one. Lucky us!

Very intriguing. Every question alesia posed--yeah, I'm pretty much on the edge of my seat wondering those things too.

She wore a white button-down shirt and a short, girlish skirt, and she was barefoot in ragged tights. One pale toe peeked out of a hole in the foot of her tights, the oddly vulnerable sight twisting something tighter in Logan’s chest as he bit back the angry growl that threatened to leave his throat.

There is something so powerful about that image and Logan's response to it. It's sad and disturbing yet sexy. Definitely makes me wonder how old Marie is.

You may not have a road map for this one, but I'm more than willing to follow wherever it ends up going. I'm sure it'll be great regardless. Please post more soon! You've left more questions than answers with this tease of a first chapter.

Author's Response: Yeah, I couldn\'t believe myself when I started writing another story so quick. ;-) I\'m glad you found the start intriguing. And Rogue will definitely be \"of age,\" but I did intend for her to come across at first glance as less mature. I\'m not sure where the idea for this came from, but as I started writing I thought quite a bit about \"Taken\" and \"The Professional\" (both really good movies) for inspiration, and those movies skew much more to the younger girl protagonist. And to further convince you of the joys of Google Docs, I\'ve shared this one with you too, so you can sneak a peek at Chapter 2 anytime you want. ;-)

Reviewer: atmd Signed star star star star star
Date: 11/27/2011 Title: Chapter 2: The Questions

Gah. I am totally digging this badass Marie. I hope he's fat and slow hehehe. She and Logan both seem to naturally keep a cool head in a bad situation.

Also, the little movie throwback with Logan's "I'm not gonna hurt you, kid" was perfectly done. Not over the top, just a nice little easter egg moment =D.

That's so sad about Kit and Jubilee! I have a feeling Logan and Marie are gonna get them back, and there will be much asskicking along the way. Awesome.

Must confess I allowed myself to peek ahead a little into chapter 3, just because that cliffhanger ending was unbearable! I can't wait to see the rest of this, and I am going to resist the temptation you've placed before me by waiting to read until you post. Um, at least trying to. So nyah.

Author's Response: Yeah, I think half the reason I wanted to write another story so quick is that I needed a really tough, spunky Marie to counterbalance the \"weaker\" Marie from \"The Rogue.\" You\'re welcome to read the doc anytime! I\'d welcome your input. But, on the other hand, if keeping you away gets me more of your stories faster, then I\'m all for it.

Reviewer: atmd Signed star star star star star
Date: 11/29/2011 Title: Chapter 3: The Snag

Eek! Gore. Thanks for the nightmares. But you get muchos props for realism, there. As a reader I could really *feel* Logan getting tortured. Yay him for holding out. God, I just want to cuddle him or something.

He watched helplessly as the light of hope died from her eyes, replaced by a look of utter betrayal. She began to fight like a dervish, kicking her stockinged feet against his legs, turning her head to try to bite his wrist, jerking against the cuffs until the scent of her blood tinged the air.

Whew, badass Marie is right. It would take some serious guts to put up that kind of fight when you're so clearly at someone else's mercy. She and Logan are perfectly matched in this story! I can't wait to see them bring down the baddies together.

Overall, this chapter was grisly and disturbing and actually quite difficult to read at times--which is exactly what it was supposed to be, I expect. Here's to hoping Marie drops that Wolvie-torturing bastard and saves the day =D.

Author's Response: Aw, sorry for the gore. I think I overcompensated...I think we get so used to thinking of Logan as invulnerable to all harm, we forget that he actually even feels the pain. I wanted to make it clear that he still feels pain, and that without his healing he is as vulnerable as anyone. I also wanted to make it clear that time was passing (because I knew I wanted a lag before powers kick in after the collar comes off) so it went on a bit.\r\n\r\nIt\'s funny, I just went back and made edits to make Marie a little more tough/prickly in subsequent chapters. If I\'m going to live up to the inspiration (Matilda in \"The Professional\") she\'s got to be that weird mix of street-toughened and gutsy but underneath kind of innocent and sweet. I haven\'t seen that movie in awhile, but I keep thinking of that scene where Matilda walks right past the apartment where her whole family had just been murdered and stands in front of Leon\'s door, appearing cool but frantic inside. I think that\'s what I want for this Marie -- someone who acts smart and tough when she needs to, but it does take a toll on her.

Reviewer: atmd Signed star star star star star
Date: 11/30/2011 Title: Chapter 4: The Wave

Aw, thanks for the dedication/apology. Neither one was really warranted, but hell, I'm greedy and won't say no =D.

Jesus Christ! A slap to his face and who the fuck would dare?

Okay, this made me grin ear to ear. I love how you've got us following Logan up into consciousness, kind of dazed and disoriented . . . I could really feel it as a reader.

This Marie is *awesome*. I love her hassling a half-dead Logan to get his ass in gear, and isn't he a cop? Can't he like, call for backup or something? Hahaha!

Aww oh my gosh. She was sweet, so painfully sweet. Poor Logan. I hope she gets him to the school. She seems like the kinda girl who knows how to get shit done.

You've left me with soo many questions here. I can't wait to find out more about Marie's backstory and how the hell she got sucked into this situation in the first place. Great writing, as always. And I can't wait to read the next chapter. (Um, and I mean, I literally can't, you evil tempter *sneaks off to Google docs*)

Author's Response: You deserve much more than that, but since I don\'t have book contracts to scatter at my disposal, you\'ll have to settle for a mention in the author\'s note. ;-) Yeah, I think it pretty much sums up this Marie that a.) She would slap Logan in the face and threaten to leave him there if she has to b.) That she would try to take him with her in the first place. In my conception she *is* tough, and she talks even tougher, but there is hopefully a sweetness to her underneath that will show up despite her best intentions of trying to act like she doesn\'t need anything or anybody. Feel free to pop into the Google doc any time...just be glad I haven\'t caught you there to hound you for advice!

Reviewer: atmd Signed star star star star star
Date: 12/13/2011 Title: Chapter 5: The Key

She shot him a look like he was crazy. She pushed up onto her knees, reaching over the console into the back seat, and hauled up a briefcase. His briefcase, in fact. Fifty grand in cash.

“I take it back. You’re a fuckin’ genius, kid.”

Smart thinkin', Marie! And can I just say, I am very, very glad Logan has two eyeballs again. Not that we wouldn't love him regardless, but, y'know . . .

As far as the writer's block goes, I dunno where you struggled, but it was worth it because I loved this chapter. So many interesting details, not to mention the building of some serious unresolved tension...

Plot tension, that is. Tension in the, um, plot. Yeah.

Really wondering where the leak came from and how Marco got the lowdown on Logan. I hope it's not betrayal within the ranks =(. Although if it did turn out to be, like, Ororo or something, that would be . . . interesting, to say the least.

Go Marie, asserting your adulthood in the face of Logan's stupid self-control mechanisms! She really is a genius.

Author's Response: :-D Yeah, usually Logan is the one taking care of business, I like the idea that Marie was out and doing useful things (bringing the car around, stashing the cash, covering up in Logan\'s jacket so he didn\'t accidentally touch her skin) while he was out cold. Tee hee. The struggle came with the next few chapters, so hope you liked those also. And yes, plot tension. That\'s always what I\'m working towards. I don\'t have anything else in mind, at all. ::whistles innocently::

Reviewer: atmd Signed star star star star star
Date: 12/13/2011 Title: Chapter 6: The Confession

It pained him, seeing her struggle like this, watching her slender little body shake with the force of it. Just let yourself cry, he wanted to say, except that the Wolverine didn’t say shit like that and she wouldn’t listen anyway.

Aww. That was my favorite line, for sure. Such a touching moment. You can just feel how much he wants to go hug her or something right then, and the restraint it takes not to. I'm liking the tension you're building between them. Not sure how to explain it, but it seems they've got a little bit different dynamic from the rest of your stories. Very cool.

I'm looking forward to seeing what information Marie gleans, and how they rescue Kitty and Jubilee. This promises to be a great adventure.

I can't wait to see what kind of trouble they get into (and hopefully out of).

Author's Response: I\'m glad you liked that moment. I actually took it out and put it back in a few times, not sure if it was a little too much at that time. I agree, this is a pretty different dynamic between Logan and Marie, I\'m glad you\'re liking it. I still feel like I\'m trying to find the footing. Hope the rest of it lives up to your expectations!

Reviewer: atmd Signed star star star star star
Date: 12/13/2011 Title: Chapter 7: The Lead

Heh. I like tough, prickly Marie. You write her so well! It's gonna be funny if (when) Logan steps over the line and she puts him in his place.

Wow. That's a pretty slim lead, but better than nothing, I guess. I wonder what Logan will do with it.

This is turning out to be a great story, as always. You're like, incapable of writing badly, huh? I hope you've gotten over your writer's block, because I can't wait for the next chapter!

Author's Response: I\'m so glad that you\'re liking this tougher, prickly Marie. I feel like I\'m not settling well into the character, I keep wanting to make her all sweet and wobbly-kneed over Logan. :-) Speaking of next chapters....nah, I won\'t nag. Just know that I\'m waiting. Not very patiently. ;-)

Reviewer: atmd Signed star star star star star
Date: 12/14/2011 Title: Chapter 8: The Bitch

Gotta say I'm with Jean on the whole slack-jawed, gaping thing. Bitch is right. Marie sure put her in her place, though.

There is something extremely amusing about Logan shelling out hundreds of dollars for a pair of heels for Jean. I actually reread that line, like, three times, just because it was so well-written. Funny and sad at the same time. Poor fella. We all know which head he was thinking with when he made that purchase...

Marie didn't exactly get the smoothest introduction to the X-Men, but I'm curious to see how she responds to the rest of them, as well as what role they play in bringing down this trafficking ring.

(P.S. Possessive, protective Logan is yum. But that kinda goes without saying, eh?)

Author's Response: Ha. Yeah, my husband got me reading the Ultimate X-Men series, and there\'s a part in one of the comics where Logan talks about getting tattoos to impress girls (and then of course they fade with his healing factor). I think there was even a fic inspired by that, \"Doku,\" that I read long ago, but I hadn\'t read the comic at the time. Anyway, it stuck in my mind that Logan can be a player, and probably has more money than he can spend living at the mansion, and in a rudimentary \"girls like shoes\" reasoning he might be willing to drop a grand on some if he thought it might get Jean into bed. And feeling like a fool is probably not something that goes down well with Logan, so I suspect he was not as diplomatic when he told Jean to \"knock it off\" as he might have been once he realized she was just flirting. ;-)

Inspired by “More Than A Rogue” by September.

Marie has tried, God knows she has. She took the cure to save her relationship, she tried to understand Bobby, she tried to bury her pain, she tried to get Logan to talk, but you can’t save people who don’t want saving. She had enough problems of her own as it was. Rogue leaves the mansion after she hears that the ‘cure’ failed and everything she believes in is shattered swearing never to go back, but what happens when life catches up to her and bites her in the ass? What happens when she can finally control her skin at the expense of someone’s life? Can Logan save her from herself after the ultimate betrayal? But most importantly, will she let him save her?

Rated: Mature
Categories: X3, Comicverse
Characters: None
Genres: Action, Angst, Dark, Drama, Songfic
Tags: None
Warnings: Not Beta Read

Series: None
Chapters: 12
Wordcount: 23864 - Hits: 70135
Complete?: No - Published: 11/29/2011 - Last Updated: 03/13/2012
Reviewer: atmd Signed star star star star half star
Date: 11/29/2011 Title: Chapter 1: Prologue

I greatly enjoyed your prologue and first chapter! The idea of Marie feeling guilty for not using her power to stop the Phoenix makes for an interesting plot point. I can't wait to see how she deals with that guilt, and whether she comes to see that it's irrational/misplaced, or whether she has a legitimate reason for feeling like it's her fault.

I mean, did she deliberately think "I could drain Jean and stop her, but I don't want to" or was it something she realized after the fact and felt guilty about?

Also, I wonder if anyone else (hint, Logan!) holds any resentment towards her regarding Jean's death and the way things played out. It wouldn't seem so from Ororo's comments, but who knows. I look forward to seeing how he and Rogue interact when the really 'reunite' for the first time.

You definitely laid out the situation and left plenty of questions to be answered. I think this is a very promising start, especially for your first fanfic. Can't wait to read more!

Author's Response: Hahaha! Thanks, can\'t really tell you how much that means to me. And I promise those questions will be answered in the following chapters. I\'ll be trying to upload as much as I can. I even got two more chapters typed out just gotta go over them for any mistakes.

A slightly dark and twisted version of Logan realizing Marie ain’t a kid.

Rated: NC-17
Categories: AU
Characters: None
Genres: Adult, PWP
Tags: None
Warnings: Not Beta Read

Series: None
Chapters: 2
Wordcount: 3585 - Hits: 9808
Complete?: No - Published: 12/03/2011 - Last Updated: 12/09/2011
Reviewer: atmd Signed
Date: 12/13/2011 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1

WHEW! Consider me convinced. Hot dang. This was way better than that cheesy scene in Swordfish ;P. Have to admit though, those scissors even had *me* scared. Yikes, poor Logan!

.... She made it up to him pretty well, though.

Author's Response: I only liked that scene in Swordfish because of Hugh Jackman...*sighs.* I think Logan could use a dose of his own medicine every now and then...and who better to make it up to him???? :)\r\n\r\nThanks,\r\n-Pepper