Lex [Contact]
Real name: Lex
Member Since: 05/25/2006
Membership Status: Member

Yahoo IM: CrankyLex
Beta-reader: 0
The name's Lex. Kind of like Cher. But with less plastic surgery.

I used to hail from the BtVS/AtS fandom, where I wrote excessive amounts of fan fiction. After five years, I fell out of love with both BtVS and AtS, and I stopped watching. My breakup with Joss Whedon was the easiest of my life. But as there were no hard feelings when we divorced *grin*, I got back together with him so I could watch Firefly. *sob*

I was also an avid watcher of Farscape, X-Files, Xena, Gargoyles, JAG, Witchblade, Highlander, and Forever Knight. I'm also really digging X-Men movieverse right now.

My home is filled with books, mostly paranormal romances, but with plenty of exceptions.
Reviews by Lex
The course of true love...it never did run smooth. Rogue's inner Marie is causing havoc... or was it the other way round?

Rated: R
Categories: X1, AU
Characters: None
Genres: Foof
Tags: None
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 7
Wordcount: 8293 - Hits: 46194
Complete?: Yes - Published: 01/09/2007 - Last Updated: 01/15/2007
Reviewer: Lex Signed
Date: 01/09/2007 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1

I love how she's like, "Ugh. Jean."

Logan hasn't even done anything and he is still such a slut!

Author's Response: *sniggers* There\'s another Jean bashing moment in one of the later chapters as well, one that I\'m secretly proud of *g*

Reviewer: Lex Signed star star star star star
Date: 01/16/2007 Title: Chapter 7: Chapter 7

And now I'm gonna give her hip to hip as well.


Great job, I really enjoyed this.

Author's Response: LoL - yeah, it\'s one of my fave Logan lines so far... *sniggers*. Glad you enjoyed it :o)

Jake just couldn't keep his mouth shut. God bless his soul! Sequel to the Red Shoe Diaries fics.

Rated: NC-17
Categories: X1
Characters: None
Genres: Shipper
Tags: None
Warnings: None

Series: Red Shoe Diaries
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 3351 - Hits: 2221
Complete?: Yes - Published: 10/02/2000 - Last Updated: 10/02/2000
Reviewer: Lex Signed
Date: 02/07/2007 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1

When he breaks down and admits that her wearing the tags is the only thing he has?


I reread your stories, this one in particular, over and over again.

Rogue’s life spins out of control after taking the cure, but it affects others in even more dramatic ways, especially Logan. Sex, violence, claws, vulgar language, religious issues, medical stuff. Be warned.

Rated: Adult
Categories: X3
Characters: None
Genres: Adult
Tags: None
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 41
Wordcount: 86046 - Hits: 363318
Complete?: No - Published: 05/08/2007 - Last Updated: 02/07/2008
Reviewer: Lex Signed star star star star star
Date: 06/01/2007 Title: Chapter 1: "Storms and Strategies"

Wolf, I'm just starting reading this (so behind in online life it's not funny). Rogue's line about having to ask permission to do something to her own body? WOW. Dead on. I do love me some X-Men, but I have to admit, I agree with Eric a lot.

Author's Response: That \'my body, my choice\' issue hit me right from the first time I saw X3 - Bobby had to get just a tad put-off about Rogue taking the cure, when he should have been accepting (and in the context of that movie, perhaps grateful). But nooooo! That gave me the impetus to make it a sticking point between them in this story. Someone earlier commented that Rogue had been kind of nasty to Bobby, but that opening scene (for me, at least) sets the scene for why their relationship won\'t work (well, that, plus the presence of the very edible Logan).

Logan and Rogue meet; end up on the run from the Friends of Humanity; interesting twist to Rogue's mutation.

Rated: NC-17
Categories: AU
Characters: None
Genres: Shipper
Tags: None
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 26817 - Hits: 7623
Complete?: Yes - Published: 03/14/2003 - Last Updated: 03/14/2003
Reviewer: Lex Signed star star star star star
Date: 05/12/2007 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1

This is on my top ten favorite W/R stories of all time list.

No matter how many times I read it, it never gets old.