The Wolverine & Rogue Fanfiction Archive
Barely Legal Since 2000
Love those Logan Wolverine dialogues.
more please
Heh never touch what belongs to the Wolverine *evil grin*
Oooh a little more of the story would be nice... to read about the baby and Logan and Marie together and at the end a perfect little family and a happy end.
Don't want much, do I? ^_^
Author's Response: lol, not that much.
Another chapter on the way then, if your sure you want it lol
Awww poor Logan *snickers*
Author's Response: I know...*hugs poor Logan* :o)
Hehe I'm sure nothing that happened was Marie's fault *giggles*
Author's Response: Heh heh - well who could blame her with Logan around *g*
Awww beautiful story.
Author's Response: *g* thank you.
Well the 'mechanic' thing worked just fine - good idea of Marie ;)
Ok well I have to take a cold shower now!
Author's Response: Go ahead. Logie already gave me one. Things he told me... Brr...
Oh well you mean a weather like now... should have snow but it's spring here.
Author's Response: Have you seen Mad Max? This world is based on that. Mostly desert. Winter is dry season. During summer rains. Those are the only two seasons left.
I'm sure it hurt Riddick like hell and Marie too - OUCH!
Author's Response: *That\'s* where it came! I have been wondering where exactly that little bunny wobbled to me. Now that I think about it, it sure had weird eyes... ;)
Poor confuse Wolvie *pets head*
Uhm they didn't have that much luck in the chapters before... they always got out but still...
Damn is it hot in here or what?!
Heh new chapter up already... *runs off to read the next chapter*
AAAAhhhhhh cliffhanger!
Author's Response: Ta-dah!! Just had to do it. :)
I hope they have a little luck this time.
Hmmm I'm not so sure if they were lucky...
Awww well at least they can be fucked up together.
Evil cliffhanger at the end! *runs off to read the next chapter*
Aaaah so evil - good that the next chapter is up already.
Oooh hot!
But I don't get what you mean by 'Marie wearing the mail'... oh do you mean Logan's dog tag?
Author's Response: Remember the jacket she wore earlier? It was lined with a mesh made out of adamantium. When blue mist burned off her clothes, that adamantium mesh was the only thing that remained, and to Logan it looked like a chain mail. Chain mail is a kind of armor, made out of small metal rings. Logan doesn\'t have tags in this one. Only tag he had was bolted to his skull, and he got rid of it long before he met Marie.
Urgh. I hope that made some sense to you. This has been a weird day, and to me there has been very few things that have made sense, but heck, that\'s life... :)
Ewww that sure was not a nice fight to look at - poor Marie.
Oh now I get it a chain armour, mail shirt, mail coat, hauberk... or chain mail... I just didn't see the chain before the mail - thanks ;)
Oh oh Marie really doesn't know that it's Logan... hmmm how will she find out?
Hmmm I always thought that when winter is approaching it's getting colder *scratches head*
Author's Response: This is something that is vaguely mentioned in earlier part, when Logan and Marie are still in his bunker. Before the war begun, something caused climate to change. No more cold winters. Instead hot and very, very dry winters.
***“What will it take to make you see the truth? Camo is gone.
Good question, really good question - can't wait to find out the answer.
Uh one problem soved and the next one is here...