The Wolverine & Rogue Fanfiction Archive
Barely Legal Since 2000
all I can say is wow....just wow.
wow, that is so hot!!!. I'd love to hear what they get into
I think I peed my pants,lol
Author's Response: Lol - oh dear -sorry! Glad you enjoyed it though *g*
"gasp" lol "gasp" I can't breath.
Author's Response: Ahh yes - the Logan!stripper muse effect *g*
So sweet.
Author's Response: Thanks *g* - it\'s one of my favourites :o)
lol, I love it. I can't wait to see what happens next.
This is an amazing story, I really enjoy how how much the girls care for one another. Please add are soon.
Author's Response: Thanks. Glad you\'re enjoying the story.
another great chapter. I love how I can almost feel what they feel in this story. It makes it all the more real to me.
lol, make Jean hurt.
Author's Response: She will be...big time.
amazing, I can't wait for more.
Nice,lol. Keep the story coming.
oh, let Charles scrap Jean's
I like how this is going. add more soon. please
Wow, that was so HOT!!!
Oh my god,lol
Author's Response: *g* Thanks :o)
lOl, to funny.
This is good, add more please.
yes Logan how do you plan out getting her out? lol
lol, oh took me a bit to catch my breath I laugh so hard.
Author's Response: *g* thanks.I was sniggering away while writing it as well :o)
Wow is Rogue dead? I wonder how Logan will feel once he gets his memories back.
Author's Response: Is Rogue dead? I don\'t\'ll haave to wait and see... ;) And Logan may not get his memory back... God I\'m evil.... Thanks for the review.
great chapter, update more soon.
lol,this is great.
Author's Response: Thank you, although its not really suppose to be funny... just kidding! :D