biohelixx [Contact]
Real name: Melanie
Member Since: 03/02/2009
Membership Status: Member

Beta-reader: Yes
Well, I swore I would never post anything, ever. And then I did for the Buffy-verse (but that was many moons ago). And I totally lost any inspiration. But I still loved to read me some fanfic, so I did and I meandered through fandoms over the years.

In late 2008, I discovered the wonder of Marie and Logan TOGETHER. Yeah, not sure what the hell took me so long, either, but I did and then I found the WRFA in the spring of 2009. That was a seriously great day for yours truly, let me tell you!

Anyway, props to all of the authors here, seriously, because wow! I got into it more and more and then I got into beta reading for Epic, whose wonderful mind brought us great visions of Rogue and Wolverine togetherness. And then MovieMom44 started the whole Logan's Chair thing, and the rest, as they say, is history.

In the immortal words of one Captain Malcolm 'Mal' Reynolds (a.k.a. Captain Tightpants), "Huh!"

That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.

For now, anyway.
Stories by biohelixx
Part of the Logan's Chair Round Robin. You don't always get what you want, but if you try, you sometimes get what you need. Assuming, of course, that you don't ask for the moon when you already have the stars. In the aftermath of Alcatraz, Logan and Marie, Rogue and Wolverine, feel their way forward in an imperfect future, together and separately.

Rated: R
Categories: X3
Characters: None
Genres: Adult, Friendship, Shipper, UST
Tags: None
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 1465 - Hits: 1782
Complete?: No - Published: 02/16/2010 - Last Updated: 02/16/2010