Genres: Shipper
Other Results: 95 Series
Summary: The cure makes all of Marie’s fantasies come true.

Rated: PG
Categories: X3
Characters: None
Genres: Shipper
Tags: None
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 1155 - Hits: 2130
Complete?: Yes - Published: 03/19/2009 - Last Updated: 03/19/2009
Logan heals Marie for the third time but realises it will either change their relationship for the better or the worse.

Rated: PG
Categories: X1
Characters: None
Genres: Shipper
Tags: None
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 885 - Hits: 2845
Complete?: Yes - Published: 03/18/2009 - Last Updated: 03/18/2009
What if Rogue and Logan changed things?

Rated: PG-13
Categories: X1
Characters: None
Genres: Shipper
Tags: None
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 2206 - Hits: 2588
Complete?: Yes - Published: 03/16/2009 - Last Updated: 03/16/2009
Logan comes home. Marie is happy. That's basically it =)

Rated: PG-13
Categories: X3
Characters: None
Genres: Shipper
Tags: None
Warnings: Not Beta Read

Series: None
Chapters: 3
Wordcount: 2265 - Hits: 10478
Complete?: Yes - Published: 03/16/2009 - Last Updated: 03/16/2009
Logan is feeling torn between what he should do and what he wants to do. One part wants to let Rogue be alone to live her life, another part wants to claim her as his.

Rated: NC-17
Categories: X3
Characters: None
Genres: Adult, Angst, Drama, Shipper
Tags: None
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 3
Wordcount: 10234 - Hits: 16592
Complete?: Yes - Published: 02/13/2009 - Last Updated: 03/13/2009
Inspired by Charlie's Angels; the movie, Logan comes back to the X-men just in time for a 'battle' of sorts with an enemy.

Rated: PG
Categories: X1
Characters: None
Genres: Shipper
Tags: None
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 4639 - Hits: 1886
Complete?: Yes - Published: 03/11/2009 - Last Updated: 03/11/2009
Does Joe's cafe cater to mutants?

Rated: PG-13
Categories: X1
Characters: None
Genres: Shipper
Tags: None
Warnings: None

Series: Colors
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 1678 - Hits: 1839
Complete?: Yes - Published: 03/11/2009 - Last Updated: 03/11/2009
How do our girl power trio survive together, yet really quite alone?

Rated: PG-13
Categories: X1
Characters: None
Genres: Shipper
Tags: None
Warnings: None

Series: Colors
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 1283 - Hits: 1386
Complete?: Yes - Published: 03/11/2009 - Last Updated: 03/11/2009
What they've been waiting for finally happens and it's about as bad as they thought it'd be.

Rated: PG-13
Categories: X1
Characters: None
Genres: Shipper
Tags: None
Warnings: None

Series: Colors
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 2701 - Hits: 1515
Complete?: Yes - Published: 03/11/2009 - Last Updated: 03/11/2009
Something happens to Kitty that wasn't expected.

Rated: PG
Categories: X1
Characters: None
Genres: Shipper
Tags: None
Warnings: None

Series: Colors
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 1783 - Hits: 2081
Complete?: Yes - Published: 03/11/2009 - Last Updated: 03/11/2009
When decisions are made that make for the best outcome and the happiness of all.

Rated: PG-13
Categories: X1
Characters: None
Genres: Shipper
Tags: None
Warnings: None

Series: Colors
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 1423 - Hits: 1902
Complete?: Yes - Published: 03/11/2009 - Last Updated: 03/11/2009
A mission is successful, and harmful to one member of the X-Team. How did it happen? How will they cope?

Rated: PG-13
Categories: X1
Characters: None
Genres: Shipper
Tags: None
Warnings: None

Series: Colors
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 2473 - Hits: 1545
Complete?: Yes - Published: 03/11/2009 - Last Updated: 03/11/2009
It starts with a wedding, a series that I may just have to kill if I get too hateful of it, lol.

Rated: PG
Categories: X1
Characters: None
Genres: Shipper
Tags: None
Warnings: None

Series: Colors
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 1457 - Hits: 2047
Complete?: Yes - Published: 03/11/2009 - Last Updated: 03/11/2009
Rogue's being stubborn. How can Logan convince his wife to go on a getaway with him for their anniversary? Written for the WRFA Annibirthary challenge.

Rated: PG-13
Categories: X2
Characters: None
Genres: Shipper
Tags: None
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 782 - Hits: 1887
Complete?: Yes - Published: 03/09/2009 - Last Updated: 03/09/2009
“You don’t know it’s like not to be able to touch…”

Rated: PG-13
Categories: X3
Characters: None
Genres: Shipper
Tags: None
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 579 - Hits: 1744
Complete?: Yes - Published: 03/09/2009 - Last Updated: 03/09/2009
Rogue has a new nightmare.

Rated: PG-13
Categories: X1
Characters: None
Genres: Shipper
Tags: None
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 3282 - Hits: 1581
Complete?: No - Published: 03/03/2009 - Last Updated: 03/03/2009
What is truth and what is fact or fiction?

Rated: PG-13
Categories: X1
Characters: None
Genres: Shipper
Tags: None
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 2140 - Hits: 1780
Complete?: Yes - Published: 03/01/2009 - Last Updated: 03/01/2009
Logan takes an unusual contract. His profession is far from the usual, but hey, sometimes a guy's just gotta do what he's gotta do.

Rated: NC-17
Categories: AU
Characters: None
Genres: Shipper
Tags: None
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 9882 - Hits: 3552
Complete?: Yes - Published: 03/01/2009 - Last Updated: 03/01/2009
The culmination of it all.

Rated: NC-17
Categories: X1
Characters: None
Genres: Shipper
Tags: None
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 1301 - Hits: 3684
Complete?: Yes - Published: 03/01/2009 - Last Updated: 03/01/2009
Adjusting to life at the Mansion, Rogue struggles with her mutation and the fallout from Southaven, while Logan has to come to terms with her lies and his responsibilities.

Follow-up to "Any Color You Like" and part three of the Dark Side of the Moon series. Same premise, different consequences owing to a treatment facility for mutants called Southaven and a focus on the chemistry between Logan and Rogue.

Rated: R
Categories: X1, AU
Characters: None
Genres: Action, Shipper
Tags: None
Warnings: None

Series: Dark Side of the Moon
Chapters: 7
Wordcount: 30122 - Hits: 38654
Complete?: Yes - Published: 01/25/2009 - Last Updated: 02/26/2009
Single white male looking for someone to watch hockey with. Single white female looking for large burly protector. What do you think will happen hmm?

Rated: NC-17
Categories: X1
Characters: None
Genres: Shipper
Tags: None
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 2896 - Hits: 4254
Complete?: Yes - Published: 02/16/2009 - Last Updated: 02/16/2009
Logan and Rogue are the sort of people who tend to leave most other people in the dust. It's about time Rogue looked into the only one who can keep pace.

Rated: NC-17
Categories: X2, X1
Characters: None
Genres: Adult, General, Humor, Shipper
Tags: None
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 3269 - Hits: 5538
Complete?: Yes - Published: 02/12/2009 - Last Updated: 02/12/2009
“Thanks to Logan’s penchant for sleeping in the buff I got a good look at him in all his blessed glory.”

Rated: G
Categories: X3
Characters: None
Genres: Drabble, Shipper
Tags: None
Warnings: Not Beta Read

Series: None
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 517 - Hits: 2064
Complete?: Yes - Published: 02/11/2009 - Last Updated: 02/11/2009
Rogue, Wolverine and the junior X-men go to Comic Con and Wolverine finds out what's going on in the comic.

Rated: PG-13
Categories: X1, AU
Characters: None
Genres: Foof, Humor, Shipper
Tags: None
Warnings: Not Beta Read

Series: None
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 1315 - Hits: 2764
Complete?: Yes - Published: 02/10/2009 - Last Updated: 02/10/2009
In a world where mutants are hunted, and the line between friend and foe are skewed, you have to know who to trust, learn how to hide, and look after your own.

Rated: Adult
Categories: AU
Characters: None
Genres: Action, Adult, General, Shipper
Tags: None
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 5
Wordcount: 21891 - Hits: 26814
Complete?: No - Published: 12/04/2008 - Last Updated: 02/10/2009