Dark Side of the Moon by thatcraftykid
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Summary: "And if the dam breaks open many years too soon / And if there is no room upon the hill / And if your head explodes with dark forebodings too / I'll see you on the dark side of the moon..." Same premise, different consequences owing to a treatment facility for mutants called Southaven and a focus on the chemistry between Logan and Rogue.
Categories: Comicverse, AU, X1
Characters: None
Genres: Action, Drama, Shipper, UST
Tags: None
Warnings: None
Parent Series: None
Stories: 4
Series Type: Closed

Logan and a somewhat more comics-inspired Rogue butt heads in Laughlin City. Adversarial strangers quickly become dysfunctional comrades.

Part one of the Dark Side of the Moon series. Same premise, different consequences owing to a treatment facility for mutants called Southaven and a focus on the chemistry between Logan and Rogue.

Rated: R
Categories: X1, AU
Characters: None
Genres: Action, Shipper
Tags: None
Warnings: None

Series: Dark Side of the Moon
Chapters: 5
Wordcount: 12702 - Hits: 34227
Complete?: Yes - Published: 12/31/2008 - Last Updated: 01/17/2009
Logan and Rogue negotiate their new-found friendship and more while Rogue hides out at Logan's cabin.

Follow-up to "Money" and part two of the Dark Side of the Moon series. Same premise, different consequences owing to a treatment facility for mutants called Southaven and a focus on the chemistry between Logan and Rogue.

Rated: R
Categories: X1, AU, X-Men Origins Wolverine
Characters: None
Genres: Action, Shipper, UST
Tags: None
Warnings: None

Series: Dark Side of the Moon
Chapters: 4
Wordcount: 17743 - Hits: 24645
Complete?: Yes - Published: 04/19/2009 - Last Updated: 02/05/2010
Adjusting to life at the Mansion, Rogue struggles with her mutation and the fallout from Southaven, while Logan has to come to terms with her lies and his responsibilities.

Follow-up to "Any Color You Like" and part three of the Dark Side of the Moon series. Same premise, different consequences owing to a treatment facility for mutants called Southaven and a focus on the chemistry between Logan and Rogue.

Rated: R
Categories: X1, AU
Characters: None
Genres: Action, Shipper
Tags: None
Warnings: None

Series: Dark Side of the Moon
Chapters: 7
Wordcount: 30122 - Hits: 42449
Complete?: Yes - Published: 01/25/2009 - Last Updated: 02/26/2009
With Rogue captured by The Brotherhood and Logan dead set on getting her back, the two struggle with their respective roles in the coming war between mutants and humanity.

Fourth in the Dark Side of the Moon series. Same premise, different consequences owing to a treatment facility for mutants called Southaven and a focus on the chemistry between Logan and Rogue.

Rated: R
Categories: X1, AU
Characters: None
Genres: Action, Drama, Shipper
Tags: None
Warnings: None

Series: Dark Side of the Moon
Chapters: 6
Wordcount: 32502 - Hits: 35761
Complete?: Yes - Published: 03/18/2009 - Last Updated: 09/24/2010