The Wolverine & Rogue Fanfiction Archive
Barely Legal Since 2000
“Hey, I didn’t come here to be insulted”
“No, where do you usually go? Ah bet they miss you there.”
oh god, that is a great line! i'm sooo going to have a find a way to work it into a coversation!
I will be waiting for the next chapter!!!! If there is one fanfic that I really want finished its this one!
Author's Response: You're in luck, I have just sent the next and final chapter of to be beta'd :)
I think Rogue should stay and flaunt the fact that she has Logan!
Great chapter.
Author's Response: Thanks.
Yay! A chapter by the week end! I am praying for it! This story is one of my all time favorite Rogan stories! I was worried for a while there it would be yet another unfinished gem that I was destined to love but be forever in limbo.
Author's Response: Don't worry I fully intended to complete this story, there is only a couple of chapters left to go, and *maybe* a sequel.
wow just going thru and noticed i didn't review this last chapter ! I don't know what I was thinking!
I loved the chapter so much! In fact I have loved EVERY chapter!!! You didn;t make me think Rogue had killed Logan though. Almost but now quite. I started to think it and then I got to the part where he was naked. LOL In the previous chapter when she asked abruptly if she could kill him, he was clothed. She would have had to kill him then and he would have still been clothed. So obiously they must have went back to having awesome sex. LOL
I loved Logan chopping of that one guys hand. LOL No one touches HIS girl. Loved it!
Update soon, pretty please!
Author's Response: Thanks. I actually forgot that he was fully dressed in the previous chapter *naughty author* With a bit of luck there should be a new chapter ready by the weekend.
Oh you're SO dead!! what a cliffhanger! Didn't expect Mystique to make an appearance, very nice.
Wonder what will happen now.... (that's a clue for you to update!) ;-)
>>>Author's Response: Thanks. I used a online translation website, I think next time I'll ask for help instead.
Oh, feel free to ask any time :o). Looks like there are a few on this board who can assist with German translations *glances at review below*.
Oh come on, ending it there!?
Now that you've got our attention make with the part 2 already!
LOL, great start, lookin' forward to more *g*
Author's Response: Chapter 2 is written and currently with my beta, can't promise when it be posted though
Ooooh, I like it! I like it a lot!
Please update ASAP!!
Author's Response: I'm glad you liked it, was nervous about posting it but all the comments have given me confidence
OOOhhh you can' leave it there. Next chappie now!!!!
Oooh very interesting and very promising!
Hmm maybe changing the formatting so that there are paragraphs would make it easier to read.
oh very very interesting. Please do update soon!