rawrave [Contact]
Real name: Claire Hart
Member Since: 02/23/2007
Membership Status: Member

Beta-reader: Yes
MSN IM: MSN IM C-hart [AT] hotmail [DOT] com
umm...what to say. I'm a crazy fucked up chick with a penchant for the dark stuff? No, makes me sound like a bunny boiler, I'm a big Rogue and Logan shipper, and I mean big to the point of obsessiveness? then again I'm not sure that's a word so...anywho I'm just weird...yeah I guess that's generic enough to cover it.

Some of my Rogue pics at http://rawrave.deviantart.com/
Stories by rawrave
'All she'd ever needed was one night to really feel something, now all he wants is a second chance.'

Rated: R
Categories: X3
Characters: None
Genres: Action, Adult, Dark, Shipper
Tags: None
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 30
Wordcount: 89157 - Hits: 209906
Complete?: No - Published: 02/27/2007 - Last Updated: 08/12/2009
He’d made the mistake of asking her once, asking what it was like being healed by him.No better than being killed by him she’d instantly spat back.

He’d made the mistake of asking, and she’d made the mistake of telling him.

Rated: R
Categories: AU
Characters: None
Genres: Action, Angst, Dark
Tags: None
Warnings: None

Series: The Chronicles Of A Path Forsaken
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 2241 - Hits: 2675
Complete?: Yes - Published: 06/24/2009 - Last Updated: 06/24/2009
‘Thing is kid…I’ve figured you out,’ he moves forward a little, even as she stares up at him, wide-eyed and shrinking back into the wall, 'You don’t wanna die, but you’re jus’ too scared of living.’

Rated: R
Categories: X1
Characters: None
Genres: Action, Angst, Shipper
Tags: None
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 2
Wordcount: 4148 - Hits: 8368
Complete?: Yes - Published: 05/27/2009 - Last Updated: 06/01/2009
An embittered, betrayed too many times Rogue, a Logan who loves her but can't reach her, that damn interfering Cajun, and sinister Magneto with plans for them all.

A story where it pays to be loyal only to yourself, and where power leads to far more than just glory.

Rated: NC-17
Categories: X-Men Evolution
Characters: None
Genres: Action, Angst, Dark, Shipper
Tags: None
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 18
Wordcount: 44701 - Hits: 148648
Complete?: No - Published: 04/08/2007 - Last Updated: 03/03/2008
She leaned up and whispered in his ear, ‘ah know what you’ve been thinkin’, does she fuck like she fights…? And ah know you’re dyin' to find out…’

Marie likes it rough. We all have a wish list when it comes to Logan.

Rated: NC-17
Categories: AU
Characters: None
Genres: Adult, PWP
Tags: None
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 2
Wordcount: 3395 - Hits: 13024
Complete?: Yes - Published: 11/24/2007 - Last Updated: 01/17/2008
He felt the cold hard muzzle of her gun press into the back of his neck, he heard her gentle breath, and he smiled grimly as he spoke, ‘Hello Marie…’
Make that fifty-one ways to say goodbye to your lover.

Rated: R
Categories: AU
Characters: None
Genres: Adult, Angst, Dark, Songfic
Tags: None
Warnings: None

Series: The Chronicles Of A Path Forsaken
Chapters: 4
Wordcount: 9737 - Hits: 16255
Complete?: Yes - Published: 09/18/2007 - Last Updated: 10/05/2007
Marie hits eighteen, and hits a strip club. I'm blaming Jubilee.

Rated: NC-17
Categories: X1
Characters: None
Genres: Adult, Foof, Humor, PWP, Songfic
Tags: None
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 4
Wordcount: 14094 - Hits: 20911
Complete?: Yes - Published: 07/31/2007 - Last Updated: 08/18/2007
She giggled, her voice husky, ‘Oh come on Logan…ya know ya love it when ah play dirty…’ Her fingers moved through the hair on his chest, slowly teasingly across his stomach and to the towel wrapped around his waist, she tugged and the fabric fell to the floor.

Rated: NC-17
Categories: X2
Characters: None
Genres: Adult, Foof, Humor, PWP
Tags: None
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 1925 - Hits: 4588
Complete?: Yes - Published: 08/11/2007 - Last Updated: 08/11/2007
'Hey, ya ever see a walrus do the funky chicken?’

Rating upped because apparently my mind resides in the gutter!

Rated: NC-17
Categories: X1
Characters: None
Genres: Adult, Foof, Humor, Shipper, UST
Tags: None
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 3
Wordcount: 5340 - Hits: 11179
Complete?: No - Published: 06/29/2007 - Last Updated: 07/23/2007
'And her sense of peace was a tune he could not hum, her melody of rest was a song he did not know the words to...'

Rated: R
Categories: X1
Characters: None
Genres: Angst, Drabble, Shipper, Songfic
Tags: None
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 1216 - Hits: 1620
Complete?: Yes - Published: 06/03/2007 - Last Updated: 06/03/2007
It's one hell of a thing when someone's willing to walk that condemned path alongside you. And walk she will, through a past filled with a holes, a present riddled with mistakes and a future that's questionable.

But when they've already taken everything, down to the last shred of your humanity, could you hold on?

Rated: NC-17
Categories: X2
Characters: None
Genres: Adult, Angst, Dark, Shipper
Tags: None
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 7
Wordcount: 16467 - Hits: 33622
Complete?: No - Published: 03/28/2007 - Last Updated: 05/17/2007
He laced his fingers through her hair, bringing his face close to her ear, he kissed her cheek softly, ‘Are you real?’ he whispered. Because if not, then I would be content to die in this dream, happily swept away in the current of your illusion.

Rated: R
Categories: AU
Characters: None
Genres: Action, Adult, Angst
Tags: None
Warnings: None

Series: The Chronicles Of A Path Forsaken
Chapters: 3
Wordcount: 7365 - Hits: 10821
Complete?: Yes - Published: 05/04/2007 - Last Updated: 05/16/2007
And she was his saviour, the one good he had done in a whole lifetime of wrongs, the one redeeming feature for his miserable wretch of a past. She was his saviour, she was his.

Rated: NC-17
Categories: AU
Characters: None
Genres: Adult, Dark, Songfic
Tags: None
Warnings: None

Series: The Chronicles Of A Path Forsaken
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 3548 - Hits: 2165
Complete?: Yes - Published: 04/30/2007 - Last Updated: 04/30/2007
He hadn’t known when it had happened but all of a sudden, ‘glorified shag-fest' just didn’t cut it anymore.

Rated: NC-17
Categories: X-Men Evolution
Characters: None
Genres: Adult, Humor, Shipper
Tags: None
Warnings: None

Series: Bein' Caught Out...
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 2993 - Hits: 4942
Complete?: Yes - Published: 04/24/2007 - Last Updated: 04/24/2007
It would be a threesome, and not the good kind, a dirty little threesome.

Rated: R
Categories: X1
Characters: None
Genres: Foof, General, Humor, Shipper
Tags: None
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 746 - Hits: 2318
Complete?: Yes - Published: 04/20/2007 - Last Updated: 04/20/2007
Sometimes you consent to being burned in the fire, willing to watch it bleed, because for far too long it has come to this, this bitter existence, consisting of darkness, consisting of betrayal, and you choose to bear allegiance to nothing, affiliated to nothing, bearing loyalty to nothing, human or mutant.

Instead you live by that single age old mantra that you now adhere to, kill or be killed.

Rated: NC-17
Categories: AU
Characters: None
Genres: Action, Adult, Dark
Tags: None
Warnings: None

Series: The Chronicles Of A Path Forsaken
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 2377 - Hits: 2507
Complete?: Yes - Published: 04/19/2007 - Last Updated: 04/19/2007
The Kamasutra? Logan couldn't have been talking to her 'bout sexual positions right....right?

Rated: R
Categories: X1
Characters: None
Genres: Humor, Shipper
Tags: None
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 2361 - Hits: 3175
Complete?: Yes - Published: 04/16/2007 - Last Updated: 04/16/2007
'70% cocoa solids Logan...but ya can bet its 100% sin...'

Rated: G
Categories: X1
Characters: None
Genres: Shipper, UST
Tags: None
Warnings: None

Series: Ice Cream
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 1577 - Hits: 2543
Complete?: Yes - Published: 04/14/2007 - Last Updated: 04/14/2007
They had sex on the table, on the floor and even against the wall at one point.

Like a much sexier and not at all creepy version of the Duracell bunny she went on..and..on..and...on

Rated: NC-17
Categories: X-Men Evolution
Characters: None
Genres: Adult, Humor, PWP
Tags: None
Warnings: None

Series: Bein' Caught Out...
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 3428 - Hits: 5226
Complete?: Yes - Published: 04/12/2007 - Last Updated: 04/12/2007
Not content with killing us and caging us like beasts they turn us into nothing but a monetary asset, profitable and meaningless...

Rated: R
Categories: AU
Characters: None
Genres: Dark
Tags: None
Warnings: None

Series: The Chronicles Of A Path Forsaken
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 1140 - Hits: 2478
Complete?: Yes - Published: 04/08/2007 - Last Updated: 04/08/2007
He thought he was a creep, and she felt like a bitch, if only they could have had the conversation that should come in between.

Rated: R
Categories: X3
Characters: None
Genres: Adult, Angst, Shipper, Songfic
Tags: None
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 1878 - Hits: 1606
Complete?: Yes - Published: 04/02/2007 - Last Updated: 04/02/2007
A cyclone he may have been, but damn if there was one force that could keep up, one force as reckoning as his, it was here, Marie.

Rated: R
Categories: X2
Characters: None
Genres: Dark, Drabble, Shipper, Songfic
Tags: None
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 1556 - Hits: 1778
Complete?: Yes - Published: 03/31/2007 - Last Updated: 03/31/2007
And there is a point when two lives, two seemingly irreconcilable lives collide and a whole new future is pre determined.

Rated: R
Categories: AU
Characters: None
Genres: Action, Dark
Tags: None
Warnings: None

Series: The Chronicles Of A Path Forsaken
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 1763 - Hits: 2570
Complete?: Yes - Published: 03/29/2007 - Last Updated: 03/29/2007
Logan and Marie at a commitment ceremony, chaos ensues. Follow up to 'Scream It out For Me Baby.'

Rated: NC-17
Categories: X-Men Evolution
Characters: None
Genres: Adult, Humor
Tags: None
Warnings: None

Series: Bein' Caught Out...
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 2168 - Hits: 4355
Complete?: Yes - Published: 03/26/2007 - Last Updated: 03/26/2007
Marie's miserable introduction to a world so damn unfair.

Rated: NC-17
Categories: AU
Characters: None
Genres: Angst, Drama
Tags: None
Warnings: None

Series: The Chronicles Of A Path Forsaken
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 527 - Hits: 2663
Complete?: Yes - Published: 03/25/2007 - Last Updated: 03/25/2007