The Wolverine & Rogue Fanfiction Archive
Barely Legal Since 2000
Just read through all of this, and I am loving it so far! Not always into stories that feature characters like Xavier being 'evil' but I think that you've managed to keep this just on the side of the line from that, so that it feels believably like something he would do, if the circumstances were right.
And I love the way that Marie is developing as a character, and how her and Logan are evolving in their relationship. (The final paragraph of Chapter 12 was AMAZING, gave me goosebumps, it was just beautiful, and romantic and still so very Logan.)
Love that her parents aren't they typical archetype that we usually see, nice change of pace there as well.
Really enjoying this, and looking forward to more.
Author's Response: Thank you! This is such a wonderful review that I would frame it if I could. rnrnI think Xavier, for all his benevilance and equality, couldn't help but feel superior to even mutant-kind. He is a man that can change peoples' minds and make them do exactly what he wanted them to do. My theory for this fic is that in his quest to do what he felt was best for the others he actually made a pretty big mess of things. rnrnThank you for giving my story a chance. I am glad the reception of Marie's parents has been so positive; I admit to having been worried people would be up in arms about the portrayal. Chapter 16 the second half of Kith and Kin (Friends)is giving me fits. I wanted Remy and now that I got him I don't know what to do with him. I think I am screwing up his voice. I hope he get's easier because I wanted him to play a good sized chunk in the End Game.
I feel so spoiled! That chapter was so fun and lighthearted!
Author's Response: This whole chapter, meaning both parts of it seem to be shaping up to be lighthearted. I am glad you feel spoiled.
Oh my gosh! I loved this whole thing, but this line:
"Pluck the log from your own eye before you preach about my splinter."
totally cracked me up! Love it!
Author's Response: Thank you! I am so glad you liked this chapter. I wanted to put a new spin on the religous parents without the nutty bar included.