The Wolverine & Rogue Fanfiction Archive
Barely Legal Since 2000
More please
Just wanted to let you know that I still think about this story. I hope you'll come back and post an update soon. It's too good to leave it here unfinished.
Please don't let this story go by the waste side. I love your Logan and Rogue. Perfectly in character, and wonderful together. I can't wait to read more.
I hope you update soon because i really love reading this fic.
A great story. I hope you update soon.
I really love this! I hope you'll update soon!
I like this story very much and I hope you'll continue soon
Great story so far! It's great how you describe, that Charles wasn't that altruistic as everyone believe him to be.
The chapter was short, but I still enjoyed it. It more suspense and leads you into Logan and Rogue plan, and dieing to find out more. I hope you feel better soon. Keep up the great work. Can't wait for more. :D
LOVED that last line. Jubes dropping her gum when she saw Remy. (I probably would too) :)
Trying to go back and review each chapter...there's quite a few things I like about this. Of course Rogan is always good, and Rogue's quiet disappointment with Bobby and Kitty and Logan being protective but not over-the-top about it is great. I also really like the Hank/Logan interactions, brief as they are. There is so much that is understood between them, even though they have not known each other for long. And you really get a sense of how Hank's loyalties are torn between loyalty to Xavier and his own sense of what is right.
Author's Response: Thanks alot for reviewing I am working on the next chapter, but at the moment seem to have the stomach flu which accounts for being awake at this ungodly hour. Thank you for looking it over and sending the fixes...Hank was a last minute addition for me. Originally, I had Storm slated to play the kitchen scene, but as I was writing I couldn't see her doing or saying things the way the story needed. Beast was inspiration and I have to say he fit the story so much better than Storm would have.
Why did I wait 20 chapters before I decided to read this? I have no idea. It's awesome! SO well-written, and the story is tumbling along at the perfect pace. I hope you keep updating quickly, and if I'm reading Nae-Nae's bones right a little Jubilee/Remy action might be to come? Thanks for sharing this story with me!
Author's Response: Thank you for reviewing! You done read d'em bones good, cher. Thank you for reading my little fic.
Yum, what a nice wake up call. And I'm glad he go so angry over this. Maybe she won't have that niggling insecure voice causing doubts and hurts coming up soon.
Author's Response: Thanks! I have to admit it was shameless prepping for a line Marie has been dying to say...I can't wait to write that scene and find out if it was as unique and badass as I have been thinking it will be.
Well, she sure pissed him off, huh? Goodness! I love a man who knows how to make a point! ;)
Author's Response: Yeah, I figure we needed to get the Jeannie question settled. You know he was fairly ticked, but I think he handled it well. Marie will need to make the guy a bundt cake or something. Thank you for the faithful reviews.
Great little chapter! :)
Author's Response: Thank you...Just added Chapter 20, the next couple will take a bit longer to get worked out as I have other peopel to work into the plot.
Still loving this story, I'm checking constantly for updates. One note, just for your education, one word was incorrect. It is pronounced gree-gree but is spelled gris-gris. Please keep it up.
Author's Response: Thank you very much! Yeah, I got that confused. I was blown away by the differences in the language. Glad you like the story.
Author's Response: Thank you very much! Yeah, I got that confused. I was blown away by the differences in the language. Glad you like the story.
I cannot stress how much I've loved this story. Each character is fantastic! And the part with R and N conversing with the sporatic sex noises was just priceless. Great, great job!
Author's Response: Wow, I actually teared-up with happiness when I read your review. Thank you! That part was all my Remy!Muse. He sat down with me and said, "You know what Remy t'nks would be haunt (embarassing)?" And I said, all confused, "No." Then he said, "Logan be da jealous type and Remy did flurt wit' da petite fille. Dat scene you wolvie!muse jus' write, well, mais beb, it be all because li'l ol' Remy scent be on da breeze, cher!" and then I was like, "OMG! you're right!" Remy just winked and murmured in that sexy cajun accent, "Dat Remy be, mon fille. 'Sides it'll give me somet'ing to over da peeshwank (Runt)." rnrnrnThank you for the wonderful encouragement. 8`o)
Well my goodness, what a chapter. Those first few paragraphs were enough to make me blush. ;)
And,on a side note, I love Remy. :)
Author's Response: Thanks, ever so much! I told y'all my muse went insane last evening...right...It was still crazy yesterday! ;o) I was blushing as I posting, too. I am so glad you like Remy I was hoping that chapter would make him more real to me and it worked. Thank you for faithfully reviewing.
Phew. The mojo of the room. (fans self) Excellently written. I like the plot and the dialogue. The story is great. Its flow-y and not choppy at all. Its easy to read and you are doing a great job with the Remy accent. (not an easy feat) Keep up the great work.
Author's Response: Thank you very much! I am so glad that the story is working and that the Remy voice is okay. I locked my Remy!Muse in the room with me and we had a talk...He seemed to think that I didn't have his voice down because I hadn't gotten in touch with his inner-Remy (Super Heros-Geez!) and I was just tossing up a one demensional charachter...So, that led to the next chapter which is a little Remy POV to establish him as a character.rnrnThank you so much for the review! 8o)
Oh my! ; )
Author's Response: Yeah, Logan's a master!
Well, wasn't that just 2,191 words of deliciousness! ;)
Author's Response: Thanks, I was like when is this damned chapter gonna end and my Wolvie!Muse just growled and kept on typing. Thank god I got it finished before work tomorrow or my day would have been hell. Again, thank you so much for reviewing!
I liked remy! Playful as always and I love that he teases Logan mercilessly!
Author's Response: Thank you; he had me so worried! I am glad he didn't seem wrong. Thank you for reviewing.
I'm really enjoying this story, normally I hate WIP's but this is a story I'm always excited to see updated.
Author's Response: Awe, thank you! I am glad that you are reading my fic even though it is a work in progress.
You gotta love a shirtless and then jealous Logan. lol Marie and her mom were cute with the way they were drooling over Logan. Heck, who wouldn't be though? ;) Great chapter! :)
Author's Response: Thanks, I appreciate that you liked it. The muse is having fun about now and I hope I can get my next part out tonight. Thank you for your faithful reviews.rn
Just read through all of this, and I am loving it so far! Not always into stories that feature characters like Xavier being 'evil' but I think that you've managed to keep this just on the side of the line from that, so that it feels believably like something he would do, if the circumstances were right.
And I love the way that Marie is developing as a character, and how her and Logan are evolving in their relationship. (The final paragraph of Chapter 12 was AMAZING, gave me goosebumps, it was just beautiful, and romantic and still so very Logan.)
Love that her parents aren't they typical archetype that we usually see, nice change of pace there as well.
Really enjoying this, and looking forward to more.
Author's Response: Thank you! This is such a wonderful review that I would frame it if I could. rnrnI think Xavier, for all his benevilance and equality, couldn't help but feel superior to even mutant-kind. He is a man that can change peoples' minds and make them do exactly what he wanted them to do. My theory for this fic is that in his quest to do what he felt was best for the others he actually made a pretty big mess of things. rnrnThank you for giving my story a chance. I am glad the reception of Marie's parents has been so positive; I admit to having been worried people would be up in arms about the portrayal. Chapter 16 the second half of Kith and Kin (Friends)is giving me fits. I wanted Remy and now that I got him I don't know what to do with him. I think I am screwing up his voice. I hope he get's easier because I wanted him to play a good sized chunk in the End Game.