The Wolverine & Rogue Fanfiction Archive
Barely Legal Since 2000
This was just so PERFECT!!
I've been in that place, where a scent, smell, odor hits you square in the face and then square in the memory banks...and you find yourself someplace else for that split second, and all time stops and you don't want to leave, but just as you start to really notice and acknowledge things that's when you get yanked out of the memory and you're back where the scent hit you and it feels like 9 nanoseconds AND 20 minutes all at the same time!! (breath)
*Sigh*, what a story!!
I love the concept of this one - Logan remembering through different scents. Short but not rushed - a really nice gentle walk through time. x
I just read this tonight, I was going through some old wrbeta digests and found your post about this story. It is fabulous!!! I followed the link from yahoo so I didn't know if I was getting angst or romance or what but it really is beautiful. Thank you.
Awwww *wipes eyes*
Loved it, so many emotions captured in just a few paragraphs, love, pain and grief. A fantastic piece of work, well worth reading over :D
Fantastic texture and atmosphere to this - I reread it twice on the spot, and that's rare. The last 2 paragraphs brought me to rare tears - it was so poignant and dry and painful, and then there she was, and they were together. I LOVE YOU!
Author's Response: *HUG* Thanks honey, it means a lot to get such praise from you, this one was quick less than half an hour but everything worked out. Just seeing him a little older walking the streets, heading for the park, remembering. Thanks for the perfect 10 Honey!
When I read about Remy and Rogue being married I was like noooo, but it ended happy for me. Loved it.
Author's Response: Thanks honey, just wanted to show that it can work out the way we want it to. Glad you enjoyed it.