Reviews For Mutant for Hire
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Reviewer: atmd Signed star star star star star [Report This]
Date: 08/26/2011 10:39:52 AM Title: Chapter 3

So, the first 'LOL' moment was Billy Mays as the spokesperson for the X-Men. And after that they pretty much continued through the entire chapter. I really don't know why, but this line struck me as particularly amusing:

"And he was in no way, shape or form willing to give up his precious machines with their stimulating beeping and dripping noises..."

The second I read "She's so darling and sweet and she deserves everything we can give her and more." I just knew this was gonna be the brattiest, most spoilt little girl in the world. And damn, you did not disappoint. I never thought I would want to roundhouse a four-year-old. And her force-feeding all those cookies to Hank--heehee! Poor guy's gotta have a killer tummyache. And the PTSD scene with him in the lab, oh my gosh. Great. I can't wait to read the next installment.

Author's Response: I struggled for a minute trying to figure out who to have as their spokesperson. Then I remembered that it was an AU and I could pretty much do what I wanted with it so of course Billy Mays had to make an appearance. And that little girl was inspired by this girl who was at a table I waited on last month. No joke, she was that bad. I wanted to smack her. So I'm glad to hear that I captured her nastiness as well as I could. I love that you loved it!

Reviewer: serafim Signed star star star star star [Report This]
Date: 08/25/2011 10:54:35 PM Title: Chapter 3

Oh man, I cannot tell you how hard you had me laughing. My husband thinks I have officially lost it!!! I could see everything, the mom, the kid, the party and poor, poor Hank (and Bobby for that matter). The ending was superb! Well executed, bravo!!! :)

Author's Response: I'm glad you're so amused by this. I laugh at it myself all the time, which feels kind of weird honestly. Let me know if I have to get a hold of your husband and tell him that you're not crazy. I take it letting him read over your shoulder wouldn't be helpful? Thanks for reading!

Reviewer: Ebony10 Signed star star star star star [Report This]
Date: 08/25/2011 1:20:36 PM Title: Chapter 3

ROFL!!! Oh man...that was amazing. *You* are amazing...hehe, Hank as the Cookie Monster...

Poor Hank and Bobby. Can't wait for more!!

Author's Response: Thanks! I love knowing that I can make people laugh.

Reviewer: Xgirl14 Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/25/2011 1:03:36 PM Title: Chapter 3

Omg poor Hank and Bobby but still utterly hilarious! More I must have more!! Lol and I can't wait to find out what logan's job will be ;)

Author's Response: You'll get more! Promise. Thanks for reading. I'm glad my characters don't have a tendency to come after me like some other people on this site. I have a feeling that Hank and Bobby would have me strung up in no time.

Reviewer: alesia Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/25/2011 11:17:54 AM Title: Chapter 3

JJ Blazer said Hank looked like Cookie Monster in Northern Terrorities, that may be what you are thinking of.

Author's Response: That very well could be it! JJ Blazer has always been one of my favorite authors so I might have pulled it from her story. Thanks!

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