The Wolverine & Rogue Fanfiction Archive
Barely Legal Since 2000
So, the first 'LOL' moment was Billy Mays as the spokesperson for the X-Men. And after that they pretty much continued through the entire chapter. I really don't know why, but this line struck me as particularly amusing:
"And he was in no way, shape or form willing to give up his precious machines with their stimulating beeping and dripping noises..."
The second I read "She's so darling and sweet and she deserves everything we can give her and more." I just knew this was gonna be the brattiest, most spoilt little girl in the world. And damn, you did not disappoint. I never thought I would want to roundhouse a four-year-old. And her force-feeding all those cookies to Hank--heehee! Poor guy's gotta have a killer tummyache. And the PTSD scene with him in the lab, oh my gosh. Great. I can't wait to read the next installment.
Author's Response: I struggled for a minute trying to figure out who to have as their spokesperson. Then I remembered that it was an AU and I could pretty much do what I wanted with it so of course Billy Mays had to make an appearance. And that little girl was inspired by this girl who was at a table I waited on last month. No joke, she was that bad. I wanted to smack her. So I'm glad to hear that I captured her nastiness as well as I could. I love that you loved it!
Oh man, I cannot tell you how hard you had me laughing. My husband thinks I have officially lost it!!! I could see everything, the mom, the kid, the party and poor, poor Hank (and Bobby for that matter). The ending was superb! Well executed, bravo!!! :)
Author's Response: I'm glad you're so amused by this. I laugh at it myself all the time, which feels kind of weird honestly. Let me know if I have to get a hold of your husband and tell him that you're not crazy. I take it letting him read over your shoulder wouldn't be helpful? Thanks for reading!
ROFL!!! Oh man...that was amazing. *You* are amazing...hehe, Hank as the Cookie Monster...
Poor Hank and Bobby. Can't wait for more!!
Author's Response: Thanks! I love knowing that I can make people laugh.
Omg poor Hank and Bobby but still utterly hilarious! More I must have more!! Lol and I can't wait to find out what logan's job will be ;)
Author's Response: You'll get more! Promise. Thanks for reading. I'm glad my characters don't have a tendency to come after me like some other people on this site. I have a feeling that Hank and Bobby would have me strung up in no time.
JJ Blazer said Hank looked like Cookie Monster in Northern Terrorities, that may be what you are thinking of.
Author's Response: That very well could be it! JJ Blazer has always been one of my favorite authors so I might have pulled it from her story. Thanks!