The Wolverine & Rogue Fanfiction Archive
Barely Legal Since 2000
Whoa. Prof is using his powers for evil. lol...
OMG. This is really hilarious!!!
Storm and her Titanic "episodes"...Celine Dion's spell-singing mutant powers...
Hotties for Hire. Maybe she could get Logan a job? No, stupid idea. Xavier had already had it.
ROFL!!! And this was probably the best:
So you need to steal energy and top-layer thoughts from around one hundred people without getting overwhelmed and confused, while wearing heals and a slinky dress which offers up a lot of skin for people to come in contact with."
And the entire part following. lmao...notecards...hehe, I'll be giggling for days. Can't wait for more!
Huh. There are funny bits, but you lost me with the shock anklet and the little red button. It stopped being fun for me after that. :(
LOL poor Hank and Bobby. I think there is definitely some credence to that whole 'causing suffering to an inanimate object' theory.
Oh my gah, where do you come up with this stuff? Sucking his tail because he doesn't have thumbs *snort*.
Okay, that is the perfect job for Rogue. And I love her willingness to do it like, "Eh, I'm a dead woman walking anyways." Can't wait to see what comes next. And definitely can't wait for Logan to get back in the picture. And just what the heck is Remy's crazy fetish, huh? I'm trying to guess, but got nothin'.
Gah! I'm glad I wasn't drinking anything or it would be decorating my screen right now. So funny, can't wait to see what Remy's lttle secret is....