The Wolverine & Rogue Fanfiction Archive
Barely Legal Since 2000
DAMMIT WOMAN!!! Another FANTASTIC snippet that NEEDS conclusion like p-nut butter needs jelly (or marshmallow fluff, depending on your preference)!! Another great example of how much that thick skulled idiot needs to be taken down a peg or two!!
Oh yes! This needs something!! Wish I could say what...but definitely SOMETHING!
"Poor little ficlet isn't going anywhere." And THAT is a damn shame, cs!!!
Nice!! Just.....nice.
WHOA!! THAT was a gut wrencher for sure! Love the comparison of the test result and the empty window...very visual, very visceral.
I can SO picture this in my head!! Especially the eye roll I'm positive she got for the laughing fit!!
Short, sweet...lovely!
LOL, I"m sure Marie would greatly appreciate the private sessions!
Sounds like a great the dark even better! A snippet that could be included in almost any story, very nicely written.
"Voldemort or Jean?"
*laughs out workers looking at me like I'm nuts!*
I'm *SURE* this was not what the Professor had in mind!! *giggle/snort*
OH! Now, THIS needs adding to!!! Definitley needs a "tomorrow" chapter!
Big brother? Gads, but the "teaching staff" just ain't paying attention, are they?? Bwa ha ha ha ha!
Heh heh heh!! He has a healing factor, even the self restraint won't kill him, poor thing!! Love it when Rogue teases like this!
Never cared for Bobby anyway! Make it DAMN soon!
It's awesome you put these all together to post, really enjoyed it! Loved the title too!!
Author's Response: Glad you enjoyed and stuck with them. Thanks.
Woke up this morning, and there were 10 more of these, had a great time reading, great job!
Author's Response: I'm glad you enjoyed them. I think I'm done adding to them for a little bit.
Wonderful! Thanks for posting. Really enjoyed!
Author's Response: Thank you for taking the time to read.