[Reviews - 18] Printer
I know, bad pun. This is a catch all spot for all my drabbles and other pieces of writing that will never become full blown stories. The 'chapters' are not intended to be parts of a story. Adoptions are welcome.
Categories: X1, X2, X3
Characters: None
Genres: General
Tags: None
Warnings: Not Beta Read
Series: None
Chapters: 15
Word count: 7074 - Hits: 131671
Complete?: Yes - Published: 12/12/2014 - Last Updated: 07/16/2019

1. Freak on a Leash by cschoolgirl [Reviews - 1] (100 words)

2. Tiny Bubbles by cschoolgirl [Reviews - 1] (223 words)

3. Not Brotherly by cschoolgirl [Reviews - 1] (101 words)

4. Six Pack by cschoolgirl [Reviews - 2] star star star star star (403 words)

5. Bad Idea by cschoolgirl [Reviews - 1] (179 words)

6. Literary Night by cschoolgirl [Reviews - 1] (248 words)

7. Tag You're It by cschoolgirl [Reviews - 1] (1645 words)

8. Logan's Addiction by cschoolgirl [Reviews - 1] (257 words)

9. Definition of Happy by cschoolgirl [Reviews - 1] (235 words)

10. The Bad Ass by cschoolgirl [Reviews - 1] (146 words)

11. Late by cschoolgirl [Reviews - 1] (245 words)

12. Uncomfortable by cschoolgirl [Reviews - 1] (201 words)

13. His Room by cschoolgirl [Reviews - 1] (382 words)

14. Self Defense Training by cschoolgirl [Reviews - 3] star star star star star (621 words)

15. desperate fic (story was adopted - no text) by cschoolgirl [Reviews - 1] (11 words)