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Rogue is taking over. Marie has to stop her.
Categories: X2
Characters: None
Genres: Drama
Tags: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1
Word count: 6349 - Hits: 1750
Complete?: Yes - Published: 04/08/2008 - Last Updated: 04/08/2008
Story Notes:
Forgive me my egregious Southern Accent Abuse herein. I will make any suggested editions regarding such an Accent. Let's play "Spot the nip/tuck Reference!" *Grin* There's one. You'll notice that during the passages when I refer to Rogue herself as an entity and thus by extension her activities, I tend to wax poetic. This is intentional. The parts where Marie is dealing with her influence are in a slightly more "narrative" style. In other words, more "normal." I originally intended this story to have significantly more narrative flow and for the plot to extend a titch farther than it does (more events, etc.) but this tale is effectively an external account of what is, essentially, an internal, psychological struggle and the subsequent externalization and resolution of that struggle. Wasn't originally going to have that thing about the Dementor's defeat, but figured it was the logical place to go with that concept. Fit pretty well, I'd say. I honestly consider certain of the "Marie-dealing-with-Rogue's-mocking" passages easily some of the most poetic and affecting paragraphs I've ever written, bar-none. They blow me away, and I wrote them! Also, you'll notice that no one in the story called Marie "Marie" but Logan. This is deliberate. I had to actually go back in and correct myself a few times.

1. Divided I Fall by Logan'sSheWolf [Reviews - 0] (6349 words)