[Reviews - 10] Printer
No, Logan, don't you dare die on me! Stay awake! You hear me? Stay awake!"
Categories: X3
Characters: None
Genres: Shipper
Tags: None
Warnings: Not Beta Read
Series: None
Chapters: 1
Word count: 6035 - Hits: 3663
Complete?: Yes - Published: 12/06/2009 - Last Updated: 12/06/2009
Story Notes:
This is my first Wolverine and Rogue story, so please be kind! I would like to dedicate it to Comic-cake and moviemom44, who persuaded me to sign up so that you could (hopefully!) enjoy my stories!
This is set some time after X3, but the Professor, Jean and Scott are all very much alive! Rogue is in her early twenties and has some slight control over her powers. Logan is still very much Logan!
For some reason this keeps trying to load under a series called Saturday Night. I'll keep trying, but if anyone would care to tell me what I'm doing wrong I would be very appreciative!!

1. Chapter 1 by Wolverette [Reviews - 10] star star star star star (6035 words)